Join 4-H

Join as a 4-H Member

Frederick County 4-H has 25 community clubs located throughout the county. Youth ages 8-18 may join as regular members and those 5-7 may join as clover members. Each member chooses the project areas in which they are interested. There are over 200 projects to choose from. That is the really cool part about 4-H - there is something for everyone!

Each club is asked to plan educational activities, recreational activities, community service projects, and may also do some fundraising activities. In addition, there are a series of county-wide events that are coordinated through our office.

Here are the steps to join 4-H:

  1. Scroll down to explore what 4-H clubs Frederick County offers.
  2. Contact the club to learn about their activities and help find a good fit for your child. You may join any club(s) in the county.
  3. Ready to join? 4-H uses a membership system called 4-HOnline for member enrollment. 
    1. Go to 4-HOnline
    2. Step by Step Instructions for Enrolling Youth Members
  4. If you require assistance, check out our 4-HOnline FAQ document or contact the 4-H team at 301-600-1595 or

Family Resources

Getting Started

Family Guide     Member Guide

National 4-H Project List & Curriculum Books

Finding A Club

Our clubs are listed below by club area of interest or the area where the club meets.  When you find a club you are interested in open that club's section in the drop-down menu. 


Club Area of Interest

  • General Community Club - Calico Clovers, Greener Pastures, Johnsville, Kaleidoscope of Projects, Lewistown Mountain View, Rocky Ridge Progressive, Valley Urbanites, Walkersville
  • Animal Interests
    • General Livestock - Paddock Pals
    • Alpaca - Alpha of Frederick County Alpacas
    • Dairy Cattle - Middletown Valley Dairy
    • Dog - Tailwaggers
    • Goat - Goat Club
    • Horse - Boots 'N' Buckles, Equine Club, Jefferson Co-Eds
    • Poultry - Shookstown
    • Rabbit - Rabbit Raisers
  • Entomology - Entomology Club
  • Nature - Naturalists
  • STEM - Robo Rangers


Club Meeting Areas

  • Burkittsville - Jefferson Co-Eds
  • Frederick - Rabbit Raisers, Robo Rangers, Shookstown, Tailwaggers, Entomology Club
  • Ijamsville - Greener Pastures
  • Jefferson - Calico Clovers
  • Middletown/Myersville - Middletown Valley Dairy, Valley Urbanites
  • Mt. Pleasant - Kaleidoscope of Projects
  • New Market - Paddock Pals
  • Thurmont - Boots 'N' Buckles, Lewistown Mountain View, Naturalists, Rocky Ridge
  • Unionville - Alpha of Frederick County Alpacas, Goat Club
  • Union Bridge - Equine Club, Johnsville
  • Walkersville - Walkersville


Clubs with Clover Members (ages 5-7)

  • Alpha of Frederick County Alpacas
  • Entomology Club
  • Calico Clovers
  • Jefferson Co-Eds
  • Johnsville
  • Kaleidoscope of Projects
  • Lewistown
  • Naturalists
  • Paddock Pals
  • Rabbit Raisers
  • Robo Rangers
  • Rocky Ridge
  • Shookstown
  • Valley Urbanites
  • Walkersville

Frederick County 4-H Clubs

Club Type: Community Club- Alpaca project emphasis
Community Location: Unionville
Club Leader: Rick German
Phone Number: 240-801-0179
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: 13959 Unionville Road; Mt. Airy, MD 21771 (April-Oct); 
Extension Office; 330 Montevue Lane; Frederick, MD 21702 (Nov-Mar)
Meeting Time: First Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Project Club - Livestock project emphasis 
Community Location: Frederick County
Club Leader: Donielle Axline
Phone Number: 240-409-2496
E-Mail Address: 
Meeting Location: Usually Frederick County 4-H Camp & Activities Center- 3702 Basford Road, Frederick, MD 21703.
Meeting Time: Contact for meeting dates, times & locations
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Meeting Information:

Four meetings annually (requirements= 4 meetings or 3 meetings and a workshop) meetings are held at the 4-H Camp and Activities Center at 7:00 pm

Club generally meets the last Tuesday of the month, but sometimes the date, time & location change due to holidays, conflicts or activities in the community. 

Club Type: Community Club- Horse & Pony project emphasis
Community Location: Frederick
Club Leader: Katie Blades
Phone Number: 240-876-6523
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Usually Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 E. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701 .
Meeting Time: (10 months) at 6:00 p.m.; confirm date, time & location before attending.
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

We do lots of community service activities like serving dinner for the Jefferson Ruritan members, picking up trash on local roadways, purchasing gifts for children in need at Christmas and suppling a dinner for a family at Thanksgiving.  We participate in the Brunswick Veterans' Day Parade and this year had a booth at the Jefferson carnival.  We take a trip in June to a place the 4-Her's agree on.  In January the 4-Hers are given an index card and they write down what they would like to do in the coming year.  Our calendar is planned around the 4-Her's comments.

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Jefferson
Club Leader: Sally Arnold
Phone Number: 301-371-3419
E-Mail Address:  
Meeting Location: Jefferson Ruritan Center- 4603 B Lander Road; Jefferson, Maryland 21755
Meeting Time: Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Although the Entomology Club focuses on learning about insects, many of our members do carry other projects.  However, all of our meetings do focus on insects.  We do a lot of public outreach.  For example, we have shown our insect collections and live insects at Ag Week at the Mall, Nature Fest at the Catoctin Creek Nature Center, and the Great Insect Fair at Penn State.

Club Type:  Project Club - Emphasis on Insects
Community Location: Frederick County
Club Leader: Dr. Michael Turell
Phone Number: 301-371-5412
E-Mail Address:  
Meeting Location: Usually the Catoctin Creek Nature Center, 2929 Sumantown Road, Middletown, MD 21769. Occasional specialty locations for outreach opportunities.
Meeting Time: Various Sundays - usually 2nd Sunday at 2:00 pm, contact Club Leader for meeting dates.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

The Equine Club focuses on "All Things Equine."  There is no need to own or lease a horse; just have an interest or love of horses.  We also participate in Maryland 4-H Horse Program Contests:  Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, Hippology, and Horse Communications.

Club Type: Project Club- Horse & Pony project emphasis.  
Community Location: Libertytown/Union Bridge
Club Leader: Christy Yingling
Phone Number: 240-405-2208
E-Mail Address:  
Meeting Location: 10209 Fountain School Road, Union Bridge
Meeting Time: Club meeting dates and times vary.  Please contact the Club Leader for information. 
​​​​​​​Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

While we are open to any 4-H member, our club focuses mainly on livestock as that is the project that most members carry. 

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Middletown
Club Leader:  Kathy Gordon and David Gordon
E-Mail Address: Kathy: David:
Meeting Location: Usually Zion Lutheran Church- 107 West Main Street; Middletown, MD
Meeting Time: Usually Third Sunday of the month at 4:00 p.m.; confirm date, time & location before attending.
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Project Club - Emphasis on market and dairy goat projects.  
Community Location: Frederick County
Club Leader: Christy Yingling
Phone Number: cell/text 240-405-2208  
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Unionville Grange Hall- 13629 Unionville Road, Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Meeting Time: Club meeting dates and times vary.  Please contact Club Leader for information.
​​​​​​​Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Ijamsville
Club Leader: Lillie Umberger
Phone Number: 240-409-8915
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Ijamsville United Methodist Church- 4746 Mussetter Road; Ijamsville, MD 21754
Meeting Time: Second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

A variety of activities - photography, canning, cooking workshops, recreational activities and livestock participants - primarily goats and horses.  We encourage everyone to participate in all activities - we do not require fundraising from our members.  We have a variety of interests and would be welcome to any new ideas and adventures!

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Jefferson
Club Leader: Kathy Axline
Phone Number: 301-748-0374
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Burkittsville Ruritan Club- 500 East Main Street; Burkittsville, MD 21718
Meeting Time: Second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Johnsville
Club Leader: Amy Stephens
Phone Number: 301-748-0314
Meeting Location: Johnsville Methodist Church- 11106 Green Valley Road, Union Bridge, MD 21791-8408
Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Clovers (ages 5-7) meet at 6:30 p.m.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Walkersville / Woodsboro / Mt. Pleasant
Club Leaders: Lexi Barnes / Ann Thompson
Phone Number: Lexi: 240-329-8661, Ann: 240-674-0439
E-Mail Address: Lexi:, Ann:
Meeting Location: Mt. Pleasant Ruritan- 8101 Crum Road; Frederick, MD 21701
Meeting Time: Second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

General club with variety of interests including: dairy, swine, goat, beef, sheep, etc.  Our club has several fundraisers a year, including a meat raffle, Yankee candle, etc.  Club members are asked to sell tickets and to participate to fund the treasury.  We hold monthly meetings, participate in community service activities to better the community.  We have two months that our members give demonstrations, March and May.  First year members do not need to give a demonstration.  We also try to have "fun" activities for our members. 

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Lewistown / Creagerstown
Club Leader: Cheryl Lenhart
Phone Number: 301-639-1150
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Normally - Graceham Moravian Church- 8231 Rocky Ridge Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788
Meeting Time: Normally Third Monday of the month (except September) at 6:30 p.m. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18


Clover Project Leader: Donna Inskeep
Phone Number: 240-285-5870
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Time: Clovers meet during the 4-H Club meeting and participate in a variety of activities

Club Type: Community Club - Emphasis on Dairy Cattle
Community Location: Middletown
Club Leader: Abby Riggleman
Phone Number: 240-409-6343
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Usually Jefferson Ruritan Community Center, 4603-B Lander Road, Jefferson, MD.
Meeting Time: First Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Check date, time & location before attending a meeting.​​​​​​​
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

If you like to spend time outside learning about nature, this club is for you! We expect our members to actively participate in service projects for the park, fundraising for the club, and actively learn about the natural world around us. Our members learn the following about the natural world and how they all interact:  -Mushrooms (Mycology), -Rocks and Fossils (Geology), -How the Moon affects the natural world (Astronomy), -Spring Wildflowers (Botany), -Stream Critters (Aquatic Ecology), -Mountain, Piedmont, and Coastal Ecology, -Fireflies (Entomology), -Birds (Ornithology), -Bears, Foxes, and Deer (Mammalogy), -Snakes and Salamanders (Herpetology), -Native American History (Archeology) -Conservation of Maryland's Forests, Lakes, and Streams, -How to take care of your local State Parks.

Club Type: Community Club - emphasis on learning all about nature 
Community Location: Thurmont
Club Leader: Sarah May-Anderson, Catherine Massie
Phone Number: 818-425-0475, 240-385-6338
E-Mail Address: Sarah:, Catherine: 
Meeting Location: Manor Visitor Center, Cunningham Falls State Park- 6709 Cunningham Falls Park; Thurmont, MD 21788
Meeting Time: First Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm; Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Most have livestock projects, but we have 4-H members with all species.  We do fundraising and club event participation is required.

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: New Market
Club Leader: Amanda Rhinehart, Kim Lescalleet
Phone Number: Amanda- 240-674-4835
E-Mail Address: Amanda: 
Meeting Location: New Market Grange- 14 South Alley, New Market, MD 21774
Meeting Time: Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting. 
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club- Rabbit project emphasis
Community Location: Frederick
Club Leader: Ashton Conover and Rhiannon Huscha
Phone Number: Ashton: 240-440-8348, Rhiannon: 240-439-0479
E-Mail Address: Ashton:, Rhiannon:
Meeting Location: Frederick Fairgrounds, meeting room in Building 12
Meeting Time: Second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

We have two competition levels, FTC and Summer Robotics but a member does not need to compete to join.  However, to compete, a member is expected to participate in club meeting, events, fundraising and educational outreach at some capacity.

Club Type: Community Club - Emphasis on Robotics and Engineering. 
Community Location: Frederick County
Club Leaders: Tom Atelsek and Sophia Grogan
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: University of MD Extension Office- 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702
Meeting Time: Second Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. except February and September. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18
All About Robo Rangers

Maryland State 4-H Robotics Challenge 

Nuts and Bolts: 4-H Robotics Club Showcased at Ag Week (Frederick News Post 2/19/20) 

If you would like to quiz yourself about Robotics, please sign up and take the quiz here

** Currently closed to new members due to reaching maximum capacity for meeting location.

General including livestock, crafts, sewing and cooking.  We have three major fundraisers; families are required to participate in two in accordance with by-laws.  We have one general meeting monthly, along with elective meetings of cooking, sewing and crafts.

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Thurmont
Club Leader: Mary Ellen Clark
Phone Number: 301-271-1020
E-Mail Address:  
Meeting Location: Thurmont Grange Hall- 17 N. Carroll Street, Thurmont, MD 21788
Meeting Time: Third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Frederick
Club Leader: Ruby Watkins & Pamela Droneburg
Phone Number: Ruby: 301-639-0523; Pam: 240-285-3123
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: UME Frederick County Office- 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702
Meeting Time: Third Monday of each month @ 6:00 p.m. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Our activities include: 7 club meetings a year, education, service/outreach, and various 4-H events on both the county and state levels.

Club Type: Project Club - Emphasis on Dog Project
Community Location: County-Wide
Club Leader: Michelle Kluchurosky
Phone Number: 301-845-6687
Meeting Location: Frederick County UME Office- 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702
Meeting Time: 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of January, March, May, August, October & November. 
Club Members: 4-H'ers ages 8-18

** Please contact the club leader before attending in case time/day/location has changed. Thank you!

We do not do fundraising.  We make crafts for the fair to enter as a club entry and also enter the club books; this is how we replenish the treasury.  Our club likes to do a lot of community service projects.  We visit the Record Street Ladies Home (parties and game nights), volunteer at the 4-H Camp Center, food drives, FCPS Blessings in a Backpack, to name a few.  We participate in the Middletown Scarecrow Contest in October and construct a 4-H Promotional Booth for Ag Week at the FSK Mall in February.  We have a club picnic in June and a Christmas party.  4-Hers are required to do a demonstration at a club meeting about their project.  We learn and have fun at each meeting.

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Middletown
Club Leader:  Myrtle Sturtz
Phone Number: 301-371-9140
E-Mail Address:
Meeting Location: Middletown Municipal Center- 31 West Main Street; Middletown, MD
Meeting Time: First Friday of the month at 4:30 p.m. (no meetings in July and August). Contact to confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18

Club Type: Community Club
Community Location: Walkersville
Club Leader: Pam Saylor / Christy Fuss / Jennifer Martin (Clovers)
Phone Number: Christy: 301-898-0039
E-Mail Address: Pam:, Christy:, Jennifer:
Meeting Location: Glade United Church of Christ- 21 Fulton Avenue, Walkersville, MD 21793
Meeting Time: First Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Confirm date, time & location before attending a meeting.  
Club Members: Clovers ages 5-7, 4-H'ers ages 8-18