UME- Calvert Financial Wellness
University of Maryland Extension (UME) is a statewide, non-formal education system available via Calvert County Extension Office. UME-Calvert educational programs and problem-solving assistance are available to residents of Calvert County. All programs are based on the research and experience of land grant universities such as the University of Maryland, College Park.
Enhancing the quality of life for people and communities by providing research-based educational programs focusing on Family & Consumer Sciences, formerly Home Economics. Here at UME-Calvert, we aspire to be the leader in providing programs to promote the health and wellness of families and communities through education, research, and outreach.
UME-Calvert ensures all residents achieve healthy living and economic success across the life span.

Upcoming Events

Your UME-Calvert Extension Educator helps community members and agencies develop
essential skills to successfully work and live in a complex world by delivering research-based
knowledge through discovery and hands-on learning.
Lesson Series
- Identity Theft
- Credit
- The Economic System
- Financial Planning
- Achieving Financial Security
- Pay Day Loans & Cash Advances
- Money Management
- Work Simplification
- Planning for Retirement
- Saving as you Shop
- Goals and Values
- Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
- Family Resource Management
- Debt Getting in Your Way
- Principles of Management
- GOAL Setting
- SAVED: Financial Decisions
- Your Money- Your Goals
- Financial Empowerment Toolkit
- Budgeting
- Consumer Education
- Financial Fitness
- Personal Finance
- Taxation
- Dealing With Financial Crisis
- Renting Versus Buying a Home
- Housing & Maintenance
- Your Education After High School
- Sending Money Overseas
- Car Title Loans
- Building Wealth
- Surviving Debt
Past Events
Calvert County Resources
Meet your Calvert County FCS Educator:

Family and Consumer Sciences
Financial Extension Agent
410-535-3662 (Ext. 13)
The Abstruse Art of Adulting with a Financial Mindset
Follow Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson's podcast on
Episode 1: Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson answers How Does Financial Aid Work
Episode 2: Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson shares The Financial Tea on Bankruptcy
Episode 3: Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson explains The Pandemic Pinch
Episode 4: Dr. Troy Anthony Anderson on Beginners Understanding the Stock Market