Ag Law

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Updated: July 22, 2022

Understanding Agricultural Liability: Premise's Liability (FS-1001)

You can take steps to limit your potential liability by understanding your legal obligation or duty to protect visitors and other third parties from foreseeable harm. You also will need to know to whom you owe the duty and what duty others may owe to you. Steps you can take to limit your liability include obtaining insurance, procuring releases, and providing warnings. You should work with a licensed attorney in your area and your insurance agent to identify the tools that will work best for you. Author: Paul Goeringer; Title: Understanding Agricultural Liability: Premise's Liability (FS-1001)
Updated: July 22, 2022

Farmer-saved Seed: What is Legal? What is Not? (FS-1064)

Most wheat and soybean seed sold in Maryland is protected by either U.S. Patent Law or the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA). These protections severely limit the age-old practice of “farmer-saved seed” or prohibit it entirely, depending upon the protection the owner of the variety secures. The following will discuss the implications of Patent Law and PVPA on farmer-saved seed of wheat and soybeans. Authors: Dale Morris, Robert Kratochvil, and Paul Goeringer; Title: Farmer-saved Seed: What is Legal? What is Not? (FS-1064)
Updated: July 22, 2022

Property Ownership and Transferring Are Important Features of Your Farm Succession Plan (FS-1056)

Many people think an estate plan is just a will, but it is much more than that. Your estate plan will typically include documents and tools to distribute your property according to your wishes following your death. When it comes to transitioning your farm or any family business to the next generation, how property is owned and the property transfers prior to your death can be important features of your succession plan or estate plan. Titling property in a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship allows you to choose who inherits upon your death and to transfer the property outside the will. Transferring property, such as through gifting, allows the property to go to the next generation prior to your death and provides control over who gets your property. Author: Paul Goeringer; Title: Property Ownership and Transferring Are Important Features of Your Farm Succession Plan (FS-1056)