Fall 2024 Junior Faculty Training Session: Working with the IRB
Video Length: 34:29 | Date: 10-18-2024
This session covers the purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and its importance in human subject research. We will guide you through IRB steps, including account setup, CITI certification, and form submissions for new and existing IRB projects, as well as share best practices for completing your Application Parts I and II. A demonstration of the CITI training program and IRBNet platforms will be provided.
The University of Maryland's Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an ethical review committee that examines and approves the initial submission of research involving human participants. The IRB focuses on ensuring the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants in research. For more information, please contact the UMD Extension's IRB Liaison, Dacia Randolph, PhD at daciar@umd.edu
Check out the new learning module titled "Understanding the IRB Approval Process" now available in Canvas-ELMS. This learning module will serve as a standard operating procedure tool, highlighting aspects of the overall IRB approval process. The purpose of this learning module is to capture the majority of topics that Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-Investigators (Co-Is) encounter when attempting to prepare for, complete, submit, and/or follow up with an IRB project submission. This resource is an ongoing learning tool, thus, content will be added/edited in real time.
The procedural instructions and information regarding the IRB can be found on UMD's IRB Division of Research website.
The learning module will focus on the following topics and procedures:
- Understanding the purpose for the protections of human subjects in research;
- CITI Certification;
- Steps to take in preparation for, during, and following IRB approval; and
- Accessing additional resources to assist with completing the IRB protocol.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Overview
Video Length: 1:28:02 | Date: 11-17-2023
PDF Slide Decks: Junior Faculty Fall Training (2023)-Institutional Review Board (IRB) | Institutional Review Board (IRB)-Overview UM Extension