Maryland Dairy Industry Statistics

Maryland is home to over 40,000 dairy cows spread across 310 farms throughout the state.  In 2022, Maryland's dairy industry produced over 876 million pounds of milk and generated over $157 million in sales.

Statistic Maryland United States

Number of Dairy Farms

310 27,932
Number of Dairy Cows 40,000 9,404,000
Milk Production (2022)  
  Total (million lbs.) 876 226,462
  Milk per Cow (lbs.) 21,900 24,081
  Price Received ($/cwt) $25.20 $25.56
  Total Value (million $) 157 57,726
  Milk Fat Test (%) 3.98 4.04

Data from USDA NASS, 2023.


Similar to the U.S., the majority of Maryland's dairies are small (<100 dairy cows per farm).  In Maryland, the vast majority of cows (~80%) reside on farms that house less than 500 cows.