4-H'ers in Queen Anne’s County are leading a Revolution of Responsibility - a movement for positive change in every community in America including right here in Queen Anne’s County, MD!

4-H youth are a living breathing, culture-changing revolution for doing the right thing, breaking through obstacles and pushing our country forward by making a measurable difference right here in Queen Anne’s County. This takes uncommon commitment and that is exactly what our youth have! Queen Anne's County.


4-H Resources

Recordkeeping is a very valuable and unique to 4-H skill taught to members of the Queen Anne's County 4-H program. Our Members are encouraged to keep project records books and submit these books annually.

The primary purposes of completing a record book are for a young person to develop the skills necessary to set goals and reflect on their 4-H experiences. Another important benefit is to prepare our Queen Anne's County 4-Her's for the process of completing both collegiate scholarship and job applications.

Use the Record Books below to create a high-quality Record Book!


Clover Scrapbook     Clover Scrapbook Guide

Junior/Intermediate Record Book Guide

Senior Record Book Guide

QAC Record Book Guide   QAC Model Record Book

2024 Senior Essay Topic: "Describe how one of your project areas has influenced your life outside of 4-H." 


The Maryland Summary Record and General (nonanimal) Project Record Sheet can be found here by scrolling down to "information for Families) and clicking the center tab "4-H Youth Forms & Resources" 

The Animal Science Project Records can be found here under Animal Science Resources. 

Click here for the 2025 Maryland 4-H Public Speaking Rules

4-H programs include:


AGsploration: The Science of Maryland Agriculture is a statewide curriculum designed to increase middle school student agriculture literacy and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills. The curriculum consists of 24 peer-reviewed lessons with experiential, hands-on activities; teacher's guide; pre-packaged materials kit; evaluation materials; and supplemental digital resources. Each lesson is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Topics include production agriculture, environmental science, and nutrition. The program was developed by faculty of University of Maryland Extension with support from researchers and industry professionals.

Click here for more information.