
  • Organic Matter and Soil Amendments

    … February 17, 2023 Key points Organic matter includes plants and animals that are alive, dead, or in some stage of … contributor to soil health . Most garden and landscape plants benefit from increases in soil organic matter. Soil … would exceed the amount of nitrogen allowed by Maryland's Lawn Fertilizer Law . Epsom salt A highly soluble form of …

  • Green Kyllinga

    … Kyllinga can aggressively take over an over-irrigated lawn. Irrigation systems should be adjusted or turned off to … to dry out. Water lawns only when necessary.  Photos Whole plants and roots Green kyllinga plants Photo: Rebekah D. … turf that can compete and prevent weed establishment. Lawn Care Mechanical management Hand pulling or using an …

  • How to Make a Meadow

    … February 15, 2023 Planting a meadow with Maryland native plants Most Maryland residents who invest their time and … modular approach: In late winter, select a small lawn area of only a few hundred square feet. Remove the turf … your topsoil anyhow. Have a long-term plan for keeping the lawn grasses out of your meadow. Most lawn grasses cannot be …

  • Managing City and Suburban Yards and Gardens to Sustain Insect Communities (FS-2022-0633)

    … Supporting healthy soil development by breaking down dead plants and recycling nutrients Increasing air and water flow … the size of your driveway, deck, or paved patio, aerating lawn areas, and low-till gardening can help reduce soil … (2022, May). Herbicide Options for Managing Common Lawn Weeds in Maryland . …

  • Mowing: A Casually Thought of Integrated Weed Management Tool

    … tactics. Mowing Effects on Weeds Mowing defoliates plants and because leaves collect carbon dioxide and … Mowing kills existing shoot growth. However, mowed plants can produce additional shoot material and there is … repeated cutting hastens food depletion and death of some plants. Under frequent mowing, a plant must generate enough …

  • Wild Garlic or Wild Onions

    … Conditions that favor growth Mowing the lawn too short, inadequate fertilization of lawn. Management in lawns Lawn care practices Maintain healthy, dense turf that can …

  • Annual Bluegrass

    … seeds. This is not a weed to be concerned about in a home lawn. However, it can be an indication of compact and … stem and leaf blade. Photos Growth habit Annual bluegrass plants forming flowers Photo: University of Maryland … The Ohio State University, Management In lawns Lawn care practices  Maintain healthy, dense turf that can …

  • Quackgrass

    … and resembles wheat. Conditions that favor growth   Poor lawn maintenance practices. Photos Auricle Quackgrass has a … The Ohio State University, Management in lawns Lawn care practices Maintain healthy, dense turf that can prevent and help lawns outcompete a weed infestation. Lawn Care Mechanical management Hand pulling or using an …

  • Master Gardener

    … gardens, landscapes, and communities. Calvert County Master Gardeners (CCMGs) unite with Maryland Master Gardeners … and older seeds of all kinds. We will also have Master Gardener representatives from Bay-Wise, and Plant Sale. There … is required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of approved continuing education each year in order to maintain the …

  • Chapter 1: Urban production systems

    … observed among farmers who grow plants is that they will talk for hours about what they grow their plants in. Rural …