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Updated: January 8, 2021

Estimating Corn Silage Yield

Corn silage is a crop grown widely by dairy producers to provide dairy cattle with a high-energy, very digestible source of feed. Silage can remove large amounts of available nutrients from the soil, especially nitrogen. Corn silage production can affect the fertilizer management practices on a field, particularly the amount of nitrogen that should be applied.
Updated: January 5, 2021

A Producer's Guide to Meat and Poultry Processing Regulations in Maryland (EB-372)

This 13-page guide is intended to assist farmers, growers, and their advisors in understanding the regulations affecting the processing and marketing of meat and poultry products in Maryland. This guide also contains information on labeling, marketing, risk management, and regulatory exemptions. By Ginger S. Myers, Director, Maryland Enterprise Development Center and Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension. Reviewers: Diane Hirsh, University of Connecticut Extension,