Home and Garden Information Center

We connect Maryland residents to trusted, science-based resources to grow healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities. Send us your questions, view gardening resources, and connect with the Master Gardener Program for local classes and other learning opportunities in person. All are welcome!


  • a group of master gardeners at the learning garden

    Master Gardener Program

    Master Gardeners are volunteers who combine their love of plants, people, and the environment to help Maryland residents grow healthy gardens.

  • a person holding a handful of vegetables picked from a garden

    Gardening Resources

    Explore all gardening topics: native and invasive plants, soil testing, food gardening, tree and shrub care, indoor plants, diagnosing problems, and more.

  • Ask button for cards

    Ask Extension

    Get answers from our team of Maryland Certified Professional Horticulturists, Extension Faculty, and Master Gardeners.

Hot Topics

  • spotted lanternfly adult on foliage

    Spotted Lanternfly: Pause Before Pesticides

    Spotted lanternfly is mainly a nuisance pest in residential gardens and landscapes. Spraying pesticides, including home remedies, can do more harm than good. Consider other options.

  • irrigating a plant using a hose

    Watering Trees and Shrubs

    Over 90% of Maryland is currently in some state of drought. Focus your watering on young and still-establishing trees and shrubs, then food crops and perennials, and lastly, annuals and established turf.

  • a man standing by his vegetable garden in Baltimore

    July Gardening Tips

    Sow seeds for fall food crops like broccoli, kale, and turnip. There is a lot of insect activity this time of year, but not all insects are pests. Let us help you identify what you have in your garden.

Videos & Webinars

Aphids and Whiteflies on Kale

Tomato Leaves Curling Due to High Heat and Dry Soil

Aster Yellows on Coneflowers

Blog Highlights

  • tall evergreen arborvitae plants

    Q&A: Reduce the Height of an Arborvitae?

  • tomatoes ripening in a patio container

    Tiny Tomatoes Perfect for Patios

  • a short lilac bush with new growth after rejuvenation pruning

    Lilac Rejuvenation by Pruning

Thank you for the support of USDA-NIFA through Northeast Region EIPM Grants


(PDF) 2023 Home & Garden | Master Gardener Annual Report 
Home and Garden Sitemap