Master Gardener State Office Continuing Education Opportunities
In order to maintain the status of Active Master Gardener, Master Gardener volunteers must complete at least 10 hours of continuing education each year. Register for upcoming continuing education opportunities by clicking on the cards below and recordings of previous continuing education webinars near the bottom of this page. For any inquiries, please email
Implementing Climate Resilient Living Shorelines in Maryland
When: Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 12:00 PM- 1:30 PM
Where: Zoom
This webinar will cover the history of shoreline erosion control practices and how traditional techniques have evolved in recent years. What is a 'living shoreline'? How can we enhance habitat, water quality, access, and prepare for climate impacts at the same time? We will cover the Shoreline Conservation Service and discuss which technical and financial assistance opportunities are currently available through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Wesley Gould works with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD-DNR), Shoreline Conservation Service to provide waterfront property owners with technical and financial assistance opportunities for shoreline erosion control projects. He manages the Shoreline Erosion Control Revolving Loan Fund, which provides local governments, communities, non-profit organizations, and private property owners with an opportunity to apply for an interest-free loan to install nature-based living shoreline practices. Wes is a graduate of Salisbury University and currently resides in Calvert County with his wife and two children (ages 2&3).
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact Steph Pully (, 301-226-7616) by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Winter Grow It Eat it Meeting
Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Join us for updates on this year's growing season, Year of Herbs, and programming around the counties. This meeting will have hybrid options, so you can attend virtually or in-person at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center.
Recorded Webinars, Online Classes, and Resources
Plant Diagnostics Training Series 2024: Diagnosing Plant Problems | Insect Identification | IPM & Working with the Public
Navigating the Spotted Lanternfly Buzz: Separating Science from Sensation
Sustainable Solutions: Landscaping for Resilience Around Septic Systems & Flood-Prone Areas | Resources
2023 Spring Ask A Master Gardener Plant Clinic Training | Resources
Fall Vegetable Garden Evaluation: Is it time to redesign your garden?
IPM for Backyard and Community Vegetable and Fruit Growing | Veggie Booklet
Seed Starting and Planning Your Garden for Climate Change | Resources
Sustainable Food Systems in the Era of Climate Change and Pandemics: Can we have it all?
A Common Sense Approach to Pest Control: Integrated Pest Management
The Role of Therapeutic Horticulture in Wellness and Recovery
Ask a MG Plant Clinic Statewide Meeting | Slides & Resources
Seed Saving 101: Native Plant Seed Saving | Slides & Resources
Climate & Sustainability Webinars
- Cecil County Adding Native Plants to Your Landscape 1 | Basic Botany
- Charles County Unique Fruit for Home Landscapes | Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening
- Queen Anne's County Spotted Lanternfly Updates 1/16/19 | Introduction to Wild Bees
- Western Cluster (Allegany, Garrett & Washington Counties) Small Fruit for the Home Garden | Home Horticulture Playlist
- Wicomico County (Lower Eastern Shore) Delmarva Gardens Youtube Playlist | Cole Crops
Recorded and Upcoming Webinars To view Master Gardener specific learning opportunities, type Master Gardener into the search box.
University of Nebraska Extention Arthro-Pod Podcast
Oregon State University Extension Horticulture Updates | Pesticides, People, and Polinators: Answer to Tricky Pesticide Questions for Master Gardeners
University of Florida Extension Master Gardener Webinars
Iowa State University Webinars and Webcasts
PennState Extension Online Courses and Videos | Urban Forestry Webinars
NC State Extension Webinars
University of Illinois Gardening in the Air Playlist
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Communications Team Services
Maryland Agriculture Nutrient Management Program Webinars | Videos See Educational Videos near the bottom of the page.
Woodland Stewardship Education Online Courses
Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Webinars
AGNR Department of Environmental Science and Technology No-till Veggies: Harnessing the Power of Cover Crops
Monarch Joint Venture Monarch Conservation Webinar Series
Northern IPM Center The IPM Toolbox Webinar Series
Plant Management Network Woody Plants for Urban Bee Conservation Webcast
Southern Regional Extension Forestry Program The Forestry Webinar Portal
Tree Research and Education Endowment Fund (TREE Fund) Tree Fund Webinars