Hello Baltimore County!

Thinking about joining 4-H?
If you are between the ages of 5 thru 18
and live in Baltimore County,
you can join 4-H!

We have clubs for all interests
from rabbits to robotics.

Any questions,
please contact Wendy Dilworth

Ages 5 thru 18

4-H Clubs

Open to all - Ages 5 thru 18


For information about visiting
or joining a 4-H club,
please email Wendy Dilworth


Baldwin 4-H Club

Meets: 3rd Saturday of the Month

Time: 10:00 am

Place: Union United Methodist Church

5225 Sweet Air Road, Baldwin, MD 21013

Interest: Food & where food comes from, Nutrition

Email: baldwin4hclub.gmail.com

Baltimore County Escape 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Wednesday of each month

Time: 3:35-5:00 pm 

Place: Fifth District Elementary School Cafeteria

3725 Mt. Carmel Road, Upperco, MD 21155

Interest: Exploring 4-H

Email: fifthdistrict4h@gmail.com

Baltimore County Rabbit 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Tuesday of each month

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Baltimore County Ag Center

1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

Interests: Rabbits

Email: rabbitcavyclub@gmail.com

Chestnut Ridge 4-H Club

Meets: 2nd Wednesday of each month

Time: 7:30 pm

Place: MD State Fairgrounds, Mosner Miller Bldg.

2200 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093

Interests: Crafts, Flowers, Rabbits and Community Service 

Email:  chestnutridgebc4hclub@gmail.com

Dairy Goat 4-H Club

Meets: 3rd Tuesday of each month

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Baltimore County Ag Center

1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

Interests: Dairy Goats

Contact: 410-887-8090

Horsin' Around 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Friday of each month

Time:  6:30 pm

Place: Baltimore County Ag Center

1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

Interests: Dogs, Crafts, Horses and Community Service

Contact: 410-887-8090 

Hunt Valley Robotics 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Monday of the month

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: Baltimore County Ag Center

1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

Interests: Robotics

Contact: 410-887-8090

Liberty 4-H Club

Meets: 2nd Friday of each month

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Wards Chapel United Methodist Church

11023 Liberty Road, Randallstown, MD 21133

Interests: Clothing, Poultry, Swine, Woodworking, Fashion and Crafts

Email: liberty4hclubume@gmail.com

NextGen Teen Leadership Club

Meets: 3rd Wednesday of the Month

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: Zoom / Virtual

Interest: Leadership, Community Service

Email: vmh@umd.edu

Parkton 4-H Club

Meets: 3rd Tuesday of each month

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Wiseburg United Methodist Church

810 Wiseburg Road, White Hall, MD 21161

Interests: Crafts, Horses, Livestock, Photography, Sewing

Email: parkton4hclub@gmail.com

Quaker Hill 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Sunday of each month

Time: 2:00 pm

Place: 10721 Davis Ave., Woodstock, MD 21163

Interests: Horses, Horse Bowl, Hippology, Horse Judging

Email: woodstockequine4h@gmail.com

Towson 4-H Club

Meets: 1st Thursday of each month

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: Greater Loch Raven Community Center

1801 Glen Keith Blvd.  Baltimore, MD 21234

Interests:  Art, Science, Community Service

Email: towson4hclub@gmail.com

White Hall 4-H Club

Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: West Liberty United Methodist Church

20400 West Liberty Road, White Hall, MD 21161

Interests: Livestock, Horses, Woodworking, Small Engines,

Crafts, Clothing and Horticulture

Email: whitehall4hclub@gmail.com



Ready to Join 4-H?

  • 4-H Enrollment

    New 4-H Members

  • worcester 4H

    Existing 4-H Members

Upcoming Events

  • Livestock Skillathon - Baltimore County

    Livestock Skillathon

    Come learn about the Livestock Skillathon. No prior animal experience required! 

Volunteer with 4-H

  • Stir Crazy Cooking Club

    Ways to Get Involved

    Whether you have an hour or a lot of time, there's a way you can volunteer with 4-H.

  • maryland 4H

    Ensuring a Safe Environment

    Click here to watch the video on volunteer recertification.

4-H Volunteers are a key component of the 4-H program, which focuses on citizenship, leadership, and life skills development using a "learn-by-doing" educational model.

With each volunteer comes knowledge, experiences, and skills taught to 4-H youth and shared with the 4-H program. No matter your background or expertise, you can join the 4-H community. 

As a parent, a project leader, or any other leadership capacity, you can offer your unique talents and perspectives. You decide the level of involvement that fits your skills and schedule, such as:

  • Lead community clubs, school-based or after-school programs, and camp settings
  • Serve as chaperone, board member, event judge, or camp counselor
  • Create community service opportunities for youth in your area
  • Work with other adults to create fun and exciting programs

Helpful 4-H Guides

  • Worcester Record Books

    4-H Family Guide

  • White Hall - Baltimore County 4-H Club

    4-H Member Handbook

Record Book Info

Record Book Video

Watch this video to help you with
4-H Record Book keeping.

Worcester Record Books

Word Files for Projects & More

Here's are the files  to use for your 4-H record book keeping. Most files are available in both Word and PDF format. Both files are the same, use the format you are most familiar. Any questions or problems with accessing the files, please contact Wendy Dilworth at the Baltimore County 4-H Officewendydil.edu or 410-887-8090.


Animal Science Project Records

Youth Project Records 

Youth Project Records, Record Books provide 4-Hers with opportunities to learn to keep records, evaluate their past accomplishments, and organize their thoughts.

Youth are recognized for goal achievements, their leadership was given to local club or county/city activities, and community service projects they have been involved in.  

Senior Portfolio

The Maryland 4-H Program is proud to offer senior 4-H members the opportunity to participate in Leadership Trips at the National Level. All enrolled and dues-paying club members ages 14-18 (as of January 1st, the year the trip takes place) from all counties and Baltimore City are eligible to submit an application and portfolio packet (see instructions below) for any of the following national leadership trips.

To be considered for a Leadership Trip, a 4-H member must complete a portfolio package including an application, 4-H resume, essay, and interview.

2024 Senior Portfolio Info


To see what good record book keeping looks like, these sample files have been created. Take a look so you can create your best record book! Any questions or problems with accessing the files, please contact Wendy Dilworth at the Baltimore County 4-H Office wendydil.edu or 410-887-8090.

SAMPLE of a Summary Record

SAMPLE of a Judging Form

Sample of a Maryland 4-H Project Record

Sample of a 4-H Livestock Project Record


These files below are good basic resources to refer to when you are doing your record book keeping.

GLOSSARY of Record Book Keeping

WHAT is considered Communication?


If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Dilworth at 410-887-8090 or email wendydil@umd.edu 

4-H Curriculum

  • Image of various curriculum offered by 4-H

    4-H Curricula

  • Healthy Place Setting

    Healthy Living

  • Cow Face

    Animal Science

  • Looking through a scope


  • Frog in Hand

    Environment Sciences

  • Calvert 4-H Chesapeake Outdoor Camp.

    Leadership Opportunities