4-H Youth Development

Welcome to Maryland 4-H Youth Development!

Maryland 4-H

  • Volunteers

    For Volunteers

    Become a 4-H Volunteer today and help create life-changing experiences for youth in your community!

  • youth behind tree

    Get Involved

    Getting involved with 4‑H is easy, and costs are kept to a minimum.

  • public speaking, cooking, environmental science, robotics, animal science

    What is 4-H?

    4-H is the largest youth development organization in the United States, with about 6 million participants and over 25 million alumni!

4-H Programs

  • Curricula

    Curricula: Maryland 4-H offers at-home learning resources for youth focusing on science, healthy living, and civic engagement.

  • Farm animals dogs and cats

    Animal Sciences

    Youth in 4-H Animal Science projects learn and practice life skills with an emphasis on decision making, acquiring knowledge and taking personal responsibility through participation in 4-H animal science opportunities such as project animal care, judging and bowl events.

  • Frog, lakes, swimming, archery and shooting sports

    Environmental Sciences

    Journey through fields, forests, wetlands and urban areas to discover the wonders and mysteries of Maryland’s natural environment. Through their 4-H environmental and outdoor education projects young people will learn about the interconnection of people and nature.

  • public speaking, cooking, kid on a bike, fashion review

    Healthy Living

    Our programming empowers youth to be healthy – body and mind – with the skills to make healthy decisions and lead healthy lifestyles. Having the confidence and skills to lead healthy lifestyles not only improves overall well-being; it enables youth to tackle life’s challenges today and become leaders in their lives, careers and communities as they grow into responsible adulthood.

  • Space, robotics, shark heart, engineering

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

    4‑H STEM programs provide kids opportunities to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through hands-on projects.

  • State Council members at Congress

    Youth and Adult Leadership

    "Leadership" is "a broad concept related to the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations utilized by one or more persons in influencing, motivating, inspiring and otherwise causing desired actions and reactions by others."

  • Great Brittan

    International Programs

    Maryland 4-H has the unique opportunity to offer new and exciting programs to youth and families. Through this intercultural program, we are growing leaders, developing global perspectives, and engaging communities.

  • Father and daughter looking through VR goggles

    Military Programs

    Maryland 4-H Military Projects are a statewide, outreach effort in which 4-H Professionals, military staff, and volunteers are implementing 4-H curricula into existing military programs.

Maryland 4-H Center

8020 Greenmead Drive
College Park, MD 20740-4000
301 314-9070 - Main phone number
301 314-7146 - FAX 
