Photo of ghost forest composed of dead loblolly pine trees on Deal Island, MD on July 25, 2020. Photo by Carlin Stiehl, Chesapeake Bay Program

Photo of ghost forest composed of dead loblolly pine trees on Deal Island, MD on July 25, 2020 (Photo by Carlin Stiehl, Chesapeake Bay Program)

Updated: June 28, 2023

Resources for information about other environmental threats facing the woodlands of Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region.

Climate Change

Losing Your Trees to the Sea? Options for Maryland's Coastal Woodland Owners - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet #2022-0645

Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate - Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources Forest Service, University of Maryland Extension, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, and US Forest Service (18 pages)

Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate - summary - This one-page, two-sided digest of the above publication is suitable for workshops and displays.


Forest Fires - National Fire Protection Association

Wildland Fire in Maryland - Maryland DNR Forest Service

FireWise in Virginia - Virginia Dept. of Forestry

Wildfire - Pennsylvania Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources

Wildfires - (U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security)



Riparian Buffers - UME Woodland Stewardship Education

Air Pollution Damage on Trees - UME Home & Garden Information Center

Marcellus Shale Development and Drinking Water - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet #949