Welcome to the University of Maryland Extension (UME) of Prince George's County which is part of a statewide, non-formal education system within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Maryland, College Park. This partnership also includes support from USDA as well as the county government. The Garrett County UME faculty and staff provide a broad range of outreach through workshops, seminars, classes, clinics, newsletters, consultations, and media efforts.
The Extension Advisory Committee is a diverse group of professionals, community leaders, and stakeholders dedicated to informing program development, assisting with outreach efforts, and identifying community needs by helping the UME faculty with overall advisory services to support program determination and issues. These members represent various partnerships and institutions, bringing their expertise, resources, and perspectives to support UME's mission. Their contributions ensure that programs and strategies are inclusive, relevant, and impactful. Our current Prince Georges EAC comprises individuals from these organizations, partnerships, and backgrounds:
- Prince George's County Farm Bureau
- Prince George's Soil Conservations District
- Prince George's County Master Gardeners
- Urban Farm Stakeholders
- Maryland Department of Agriculture
- Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC)
- Prince George's County Farm Bureau, Inc.
- Seafood Business Stakeholders

University of Maryland Extension Offers Support for Farmers and Landowners Affected by Incorrect 1099-G Forms
University of Maryland Extension (UME) is offering resources to assist farmers and landowners who received incorrect 1099-G forms that contain social security numbers and addresses of other people. Protecting the financial privacy and security of Maryland residents is one of UME’s top priorities, with educators committed to providing the necessary resources to navigate this issue.
Here is the official link to the notice from the Comptroller of Maryland. To help those affected, UME has compiled a range of resources designed to educate and inform about credit protection and identity verification. Those affected may access the guide on understanding credit and credit reports here: Understanding Credit and Credit Reports.
When the Comptroller of Maryland provides the promised information about credit monitoring, UME recommends taking advantage of this option. Individuals may also consider placing a security freeze on their credit reports as an added precaution. More information on how to do this can be found here: What Does It Mean to Put a Security Freeze on My Credit Report?.
For those who are unsure of how to proceed with missing or incorrect tax forms, the IRS offers guidance that can be accessed here: What to Do When a W-2 or Form 1099 is Missing or Incorrect.
UME encourages farmers and landowners in the community to take these steps to protect their information.
Need additional guidance? Please contact Jesse M. Ketterman, Jr., UME financial literacy educator at 301.724.3320 or jketterm@umd.edu
Affected taxpayers can email gad@marylandtaxes.gov with the subject line “1099G Issue” with questions or concerns as well.

Nutrient Management Program Changes by the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA)
New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
Read Dean Beyrouty and Dr. Jinhee Kim’s Letter to the Community
Read the full press release from the MDA outlining their new changes
Get answers to your questions about the program changes
To obtain old/current planning documents and information, farmers should contact their
current or prior nutrient management advisor or county ag agent. In the case that they are not
available, please leave your contact information with your local county office and someone will
get back to you asap.
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News & Events
Grain Marketing Update and New Online Tool for Analysis
University of Maryland Extension Offers Support for Farmers and Landowners Affected by Incorrect 1099-G Forms
University of Maryland Extension Researcher Receives $1.4M Grant to Develop Data Driven Science-Based Irrigation Recommendations
Pilots on the Ground