IPM From Above (Using spray drones) (GrowerTalks, February 2022)

Nursery Management of Two Major Below-Ground Feeding Plant Pests: Root Mealybug and Rice Root Aphid (Journal of Environmental Horticulture)

  University of Maryland Commercial Ornamental Horticulture Resources (L=Landscape,  
  N=Nursery, T=Turf, G=Greenhouse, C=Cut Flowers)


Crop Production C/G Production of Celosia as a Cut Flower
Crop Production C/G

Production of Hybrid Lilies for Cut Flowers

Crop Production C/G Production of Tulips as Cut Flowers
Cultural Issue N/G Irrigation System Check-ups
Cultural Issue - Tree Decline L/N Browning and Defoliation of White Oaks (2019)
Disease L Impatiens Downy Mildew
Disease T Turfgrass Diseases: Dollar Spot
Disease T Turfgrass Diseases: Pythium blight
Insect N/G

Aquatic Pests: China Mark Moth and Waterlily Leafcutter

Insect L Crapemyrtle Bark Scale
Insect L/N

Japanese Maple Scale: A Pest of Nursery and Landscape Trees and Shrubs (FS-967)

Insect L/N Japanese Maple Scale Woody Ornamental Host Plants
Insect N Potato Leafhoppers on Nursery Trees
Insect L/N

Nursery Management of Two Major Below-Ground Feeding Plant Pests: Root Mealybug and Rice Root Aphid (Journal of Environmental Horticulture, Vol. 39, Issue 4, December 2021)

Insect L/N 2023 Spotted Lanternfly IPM Report Summary for Maryland
Mite L/N

Oak Leaf Itch Mites and Periodical Cicada Eggs (2021)

Picazón por ácaros de hoja de roble y su relación con los huevos de cigarras periódicas

Weed L/N Common Groundsel: Identification and Management in Nursery and Landscape Settings
Weed L/T

Iron-based Herbicides: Alternative Materials for Weed Control in Landscapes and Lawns

Weed L/N Vinegar: An alternative to glyphosate?