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Updated: January 15, 2021

Slow it Down and Soak it In: Disconnecting and Redirecting Your Downspouts

Impervious surfaces* such as roofs, increase runoff by preventing rain water from being absorbed into the ground. In precipitation events, stormwater runs over impervious surfaces and picks up pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorous, suspended sediments, organic chemicals, heavy metals, and oil which are washed directly into our storm systems and local waterways.
Updated: January 15, 2021

Natural Disaster Preparedness for Poultry Producers

How well are you prepared for a natural disaster? There is no possible way to be prepared for every possible disaster. However, many things can be prepared in advance to help cope with a natural disaster. Proper planning before a disaster occurs can decrease the severity of the impact and can help a poultry producer return to normal operating conditions quickly and safely.
Updated: January 6, 2021

Assessing Flood Damaged Corn (EBR-5)

It’s late spring and corn has emerged. For much of the state, heavy rains have continued for several days, bringing flooding to low lying areas and causing ponding in fields. In this scenario, farmers are faced with the question of whether their corn will recover, or should they proceed with replanting.