Camp Tawasentha, Montgomery County 4-H Camp, accredited by the American Camp Association, is located in Western Maryland 4-H Education Camping Center. Residential Camp is a one-week program, located in beautiful Garrett County Maryland, at the 1,100-acre Western Maryland 4-H Education Center. Our program and facilities are ACA-accredited camps.
For this year's camping season, Montgomery County 4-H Camp is offering a five-day residential camp.
8-13 years old
Enrolled 4-H Member - $450
Non-Enrolled - $550
Sibling Discount:
If you have more than 1 child attending camp this year, the sibling discount is as follows:
$50 off for the 1st sibling, (then $25 off for each additional sibling with a max of 3)
2 children = $50 off
3 children = $75 off
Need-based scholarships are available for those who qualify. For more information, please contact Camp Tawasentha by email at