Eastern Shore Spring Show
Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Eastern Shore Spring Show is a regional show for 4-Hers to exhibit their animal project (beef, cavy/guinea pig, dairy, dog, goat, sheep, rabbit and swine).
Download the Catalog and Entry Form Links
Cecil County Breeders Fair
Cecil County Fairgrounds, Fair Hill, MD
June 7-8, 2025
Livestock, Rabbit, Cavy & Dog Shows
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Horse Shows, Sunday, June 8, 2025
Cecil County Breeders Fair offers an opportunity for 4-H youth to exhibit and show their animal projects.
Cecil County Fair
Friday, July 18 through Saturday, July 26, 2025
Mandatory 4-H Animal Exhibitor Orientations
The Cecil County Fair in partnership with the Cecil County 4-H program will be holding MANDATORY Animal Exhibitor meetings for ALL 4-H youth exhibitors and their parent/guardian that will be keeping animal projects at the Cecil County Fair.
Cecil County Fair 4-H Animal Orientations will be held on June 2, 4, 9, and 11, 2025. Use the link below to register for one of the orientations.
Cecil County 4-H Animal Orientation Registration
Maryland 4-H/FFA Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance Program (AH&QA)
The program opens in mid April. Cecil 4-H members are asked to complete the AH&QA training no later than July 1st. Members may access the AH&QA program at: https://ahqa.umd.edu/. Additionally, a link to access the AH&QA program and the 2024 Maryland 4-H AH&QA Information Sheet are posted on the Animal Science Program Area page of the Maryland 4-H website at https://extension.umd.edu/programs/4-h-youth-development/program-areas/animal-sciences. All 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, llamas, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required to have completed the on-line training to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2024 Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows.
The 2024 program must be completed using Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or Safari web browsers. The program is not supported by Internet Explorer. The program contains two levels, a Junior-aged Level and an Intermediate/Senior-aged Level. The program automatically directs members to the correct level based on their birthdate. 4-Hers are required to complete the on-line training program when they reach each 4-H age division (juniors (8-10), intermediates (11-13), seniors (14-18) – all as of January 1 of the current year) OR when an Intermediate or Senior 4-H member chooses to show a new species since last completing the program within their age division - they must return to the program and complete it for the new species area. (The Junior program does not have species-specific sections like the Intermediate/Senior program does).
Cecil County Fair Website
Cecil County Fair Facebook
Cecil County Fair 4-H Project List
Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weights
- Market Broilers-Pair of broilers, each weighing a minimum of 3 lbs. each, under 7 weeks old (Hatched on or after May 31, 2025) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
- Market Ducks-Pair of ducks, each weighing over 7 pounds (Hatched on or after May 1, 2025) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
- Market Rabbits-3 rabbits, 3-5 pounds each, under 70 days old (Born on or after May 3, 2025)
- Market Goat-55-135 pounds (Born after 9/1/24 and must have milk teeth)
- Market Beef-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/23)
- Dairy Steer-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/23)
- Market Lambs-90-160 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/25)
- Market Hogs-220-290 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/25)
- Again, No Weight Tolerances in 2025!
Youth are allowed to sell a maximum of 3 animals in the livestock sale and 2 per species.
All Maryland 4-H market and feeder projects must be tagged, weighed, and have proper papers completed and signed in order to exhibit as a 4-Her at any 4-H show in Maryland. All male market animals must be banded, crimped, or cut prior to being tagged and weighed. In other words market animals tagged as steers can’t be bulls, etc. Market projects cannot be transferred among family members, once they are tagged for the 2025 show season. 4-H shows include the Eastern Shore Spring Show, Cecil County Fair 4-H Show, and Maryland State Fair 4-H Show. Please contact April at adhall@umd.edu if you have only commercial breeding animals that need to be tagged.
If you have any questions, please contact April via email at adhall@umd.edu.
Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Auction
July 26, 2025
Livestock Sale Facts Sheet
Maryland State Fair
August 21-24, August 28-September 1, and September 4-7, 2025.
4-Hers can enter and exhibit their projects, and participate in contests and 4-H activities. This is a state-wide event for 4-H youth across Maryland.
Maryland State Fair Website
Maryland State Fair Facebook