Update from IR-4 Field Research Center (LESREC)
Marylee Ross, IR-4 Field Research Director and N.E. Region Coordinator Megan James Hickman, IR-4 Field Research Director , N.E. Regional Assistant Coordinator
2023 Trial Summary
In 2023, there were 17 Magnitude of Residue (MOR) trials placed at the University of Maryland’s LESREC in Salisbury, MD. There were 6 greenhouse trials and 9 field trials.

We had another successful field season at LESREC. It was the third year working with industrial hemp and the first year that we established a healthy, successful crop. It is truly a challenging crop. Work on hemp is in high demand because of the limited number of registered pesticides. The LESREC farm manager, David Armentrout, assisted with the planting and establishment of the crop. Spraying and harvesting it proved to be difficult, but we were able to provide fiber samples to the lab.
During the season we experienced 5 cancellations of trials (one of which was a postponed 2022 trial) that we were conducting at our site. All work that IR-4 was conducting on a compound named BCS-CW64991 was cancelled by request of the registrant. This impacted three trials at LESREC (one complete, one ongoing and one not yet started). We are grateful this is a rare occurrence and also grateful that this decision was made before more resourceswere spent on research and analysis of samples nationwide.
Due to challenges during the growing season, two trials in the field (leaf lettuce & green onions) were lost but also reestablished and completed during the growing season. All of the other trials were completed on time and without any delays. This included a uniquely challenging trial on sweet corn that required multiple sampling dates and three different crop fractions.

cancelled trials. Photo by Megan Hickman.
One of our greenhouse trials was in cooperation with Agriculture and Agrifoods Canada. This magnitude of residue trial assessing an insecticide was completed and will hopefully provide data that will result in a new registration for growers in Canada and the US.

This was our second season in the newly glazed Greenhouse 2. It is amazing what a difference the new glass has made. There is a noticeable improvement in the quality of plants and pest control. We appreciate the support from UMD that helped to make that happen. This enables us to better serve our growers!