Harford County Health and Wellness

Harford County Family & Consumer Sciences Nutrition Educator Jennifer Dixon Cravens' primary areas of expertise and teaching are nutrition, health, wellness, chronic disease management, food safety & preservation.

  • FCS Educator teaching class of older adults

    Upcoming Classes and Webinars

    Health and nutrition educational programs are offered for individuals, communities, church groups, families, seniors, businesses and more!


  • Pressure canners and home canned food

    Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing

    FREE pressure canner dial gauge testing is conducted at the Harford  County Extension office by FCS/Nutrition Educator by appointment.


Program Areas

healthy spices

Classes Available:

- Capture The Flavor With Herbs and Spices

-  Food Preservation

     - Canning

     - Dehydration

Classes Available:

Dining with diabetes logo

- Dining With Diabetes is an evidence-based, national Extension program for adults with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and their families that teaches healthy meal planning and other self-management skills to help control this disease.

Dash plus logo

- DASH Plus - Heart Health is a high blood pressure management program for adults who have high blood pressure (managed with or without medication) and are 55 and older.

Fresh Conversations Logo with green fork

- Fresh Conversations is a nutrition education program for Maryland's older adults that offers an array of nutrition, wellness, and health-related topics to older adults at senior centers and sites where they congregate. 


green cleaning products

Classes Available:

- Healthy Living Environments

     - Green Cleaning

     - Healthy Homes

- Health Communication

     - How To Talk To Your Doctor


healthy veggie fruit bowl

Available Classes:

- Nutrition 101

- Healthy Eating for the Holidays

- Healthy Eating Programs and Diets

     - Mediterranean Diet

     - MIND Diet

     - DASH Diet

     - Power Plate Diet

- Wellness 101

- Nutrition & Emotional Wellness

- Workplace Wellness/Work Life Balance