This guide contains information on pesticides used in orchards, with a seasonal treatment of when and how these materials should be employed. Efficacy information toward major fruit pests as well as beneficial species is included.
Authored by Douglas Pfeiffer, Professor, Entomology, Virginia Tech; Kevin B. Rice, Director, Alson H Smith AREC, Virginia Tech; James W Wilson, Assistant Professor, Entomology, Virginia Tech; Carlos Quesada, Assistant Professor, Entomology, West Virginia University; Cerruti R R Hooks, Professor, Entomology, University of Maryland; Sherif Sherif, Professor, , Alson H Smith AREC, Virginia Tech; Srdjan Acimovic, Assistant Professor, Alson H Smith AREC, Virginia Tech; Mahfuz Rahman, Professor, Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology, West Virginia University; James B. Kotcon, Associate Professor, Plant Pathology, West Virginia University, Jeff F. Derr, Professor, Hampton Roads AREC; James Parkhurst, Associate Professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech
This publication is available in a PDF Format.
This guide contains information on pesticides used in orchards, with a seasonal treatment of when and how these materials should be employed. Efficacy information toward major fruit pests as well as beneficial species is included.
The guide is black and white, with a color photograph for the cover. It is spiral bound. 189 pages.
The spiral-bound copy is available for purchase at https://tinyurl.com/PMG-FRB.
For more information, contact vceresources@vt.edu.
Multi-Tree Fruit Orchard Spray Program for the control of major tree fruit (Pomes: apples, pears; Stones: peaches, plums, nectarines and cherries) pest and diseases. R. David Myers, University of Maryland Extension.
Educational Article on San Jose Scale. Stanton Gill, Extension Specialist in Nursery and Greenhouse IPM, Central Maryland Research and Education Center, University of Maryland Extension, and professor with the the Landscape Technology Program, Montgomery College
The 2019 edition (v6.0) of the pesticide spray record-keeping spreadsheet contains an updated database of spray products for apples and peaches and has revised the list of spray compounds for these two fruit crops to merge the pesticide and herbicide products into a single list. The database of products for cherry and pear remain the same as in the 2018 edition.
Access the full list of effective insecticides for use in crop production against the brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB).
Order forms for the Pocket Guides for IPM Scouting in Michigan Apples, and in Stone Fruits. Both guides produced by David Epstein and Larry Gut, Michigan State University Extension.
Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Apple Scab, Powdery Mildew, Brown Rot, and Peach Scab Control in the Mid-Atlantic United States
By Alan R. Biggs, West Virginia University and Kari Peter, Penn State University
Provides readers with current information on fruits and vegetables, disease and pest updates, and much more.