September 2023 | Volume 14, Issue 6
2023 Farmland Rental Averages Published
Paul Goeringer, Agriculture Law Legal Specialist, University of Maryland, Agriculture Law Education Initiative
Reprinted from the Ag Risk Management Blog. This article is not substitute for legal advice.
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS) updated data on cash rent paid by producers in 2023. NASS collects this data from 240,000 operations across the United States annually through the...Read more about 2023 Farmland Rental Averages Published.
Nutrient Management Farmer Training & Certification
Emileigh Lucas, Nutrient Management Communications Specialist, University of Maryland, Agriculture Nutrient Management Program
A training and certification opportunity for producers with cropland and pastures who use commercial fertilizer and/or manure to learn how to write nutrient management plans (NMP) for their operation that meet...Read more about Nutrient Management Farmer Training & Certification.
Nitrogen Modeling Survey
Many corn farmers in DE, MD, and PA can expect to receive an invitation in the mail to participate in a university study this month. The study is being conducted by researchers with the University of Delaware, University of Maryland, and Penn State University.
The goal of this study is to understand farmer interest in using an in-season nitrogen modeling tool to guide nutrient management decisions. During the study participants will have the opportunity to learn about and engage with in-season nitrogen modeling tools. Results from this study will help us develop strategies to better serve farmers in this region.
Eligible farmers may participate from home on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Internet access is required. In the online activity, participants will be asked to make in-season nitrogen management decisions for a simulated corn field. In addition to a $50 participation payment, participants will earn additional money (up to $100 extra) based on decisions during the 30-35 minute activity. Participants will receive their payment as a Walmart or Amazon gift card or via PayPal within one week of completing the online activity.
Participation requires a unique participant code, which can be found on the mailed invitation letter. If you do not receive a letter in the mail but you would like to participate, you may contact the research team to receive a login code and instructions. Please contact Badri Khanal at the University of Delaware (302-455-7555; bkhanal@udel.edu).

Tar Spot Confirmed in Maryland for 2023
Andrew Kness, Senior Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Tar spot of corn has been confirmed in Maryland for the 2023 growing season. The first report came from a field in Cecil county, followed by several additional reports in Harford and Carroll county (Figure 1).
Tar spot is a relatively new fugal disease of...Read more about Tar Spot Confirmed in Maryland for 2023
Beneficial Stink Bugs in Crops
James Heffley, Agriculture Extension Summer Intern and Kelly Nichols, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Montgomery County
Podisus maculiventris, better known as the spined soldier bug (Figure 1), is a close relative of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB, Figure 2). However, the spined soldier bug is not only deemed nonthreatening to crops, gardens, and ornamentals, but is beneficial...Read more Beneficial Stink Bugs in Crops.

Maryland Department of Agriculture Deer Damage Survey
In an effort to understand the ongoing deer problem Maryland farmers are facing, MDA has developed a survey to better assist with addressing the issue when developing policy. The survey can be found on MDA's website at, https://bit.ly/MDAdeersurvey.
Sign-Up for 2023 to 2024 On-Farm Trials Today!
The Agronomy Program is looking for volunteers to participate in our on-farm trials for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. With funding provided by the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board, we have developed three protocols to implement on farm. The University of Maryland On-Farm Trials Coordinator will assist with...Read more about the 2023-2024 On-Farm Trials.
SARE Farmer Grants Open September 15
Emily Zobel, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Dorchester County
The 2024 Northeast SARE Farmer Grant will open on September 15, 2023. Information about the grant can be found on the Northeast SARE website (https://northeast.sare.org). The Farmer Grant program is open to all commercial farm business owners and farm employees in the Northeast region. Northeast SARE offers grants to farmers to explore new concepts in sustainable agriculture conducted through experiments, surveys, prototypes, on-farm demonstrations, or other research and education techniques. Farmer Grant projects address issues that affect farming with long-term sustainability in mind.
Grant requests can be up to $30,000, and projects must be completed within 3 years. Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. EST on November 14, 2023. Farmers can refer to SARE’s bulletin, How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch, for guidance on designing a project. A technical advisor is required and should be enlisted at the early stages of the proposal development. Examples of funded Farmer Grant projects can be found on the SARE project website (projects.sare.org/search-projects/). Northeast SARE grants are paid on a reimbursement basis. They can’t be used to start a farm business.
Maryland farmers can contact Emily Zobel via phone (301-523-8800) or email (ezobel@umd.edu) with any questions. Northeast SARE is committed to accessibility for all eligible applicants. Please contact us regarding any challenges you experience as you plan and submit your proposal. To request disability-related accommodations, please contact Northeast SARE as soon as possible at 802-656-7650 or northeastsare@uvm.edu.
Meetings and Events
Event: Wildlife Wednesday
Time: noon to 1:00 p.m. (EST)
Location: online (via Zoom)
- September 20: Terrific Testudines: Exploring the World of Turtles.
Presented by: Kerry Wixted, Amphibian, Reptile, and Invasive Species Program Manager for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. - October 18th: Forest Health Update: Pests and Diseases
Presented by: Heather Disque, Forest Health Entomologist, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Forest Pest Management - November 15: Wild Turkey Population Research and Habitat Management Practices.
Presented by: Bob Long, Upland Game Bird Project Manager, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Event: 2023 Crop School
Description: The 2023 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School registration will be live in the next few weeks. Please check the website for updates and registration information when they are live.
Registration: https://bit.ly/MidAtlanticCropSchool
Download Agronomy News, September 2023, Vol. 14, Issue 6 (pdf)
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. The subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
Email: akness@umd.edu