Kyle Point Planting Calendar

Green Book for the Buffer
An Illustrated Guidebook for Planting at the Shoreline

Plants of the Chesapeake Bay
A Guide to Wildflowers, Grasses, Aquatic Vegetation, Trees, JuShrubs and Other Flora

Native Plants of Anne Arundel County
This 24-page University of Maryland Extension publication gives an extensive list of Maryland Native Plants.

Bay-Wise Landscape Management Program

Maryland Master Gardener Program

University of Maryland Extension - Charles County YouTube channel

Bugwood Image Database

Plant of the Week - U.S. Forest Service

Plant of the Week - Natural Resource Conservation Resources

Winter Sowing

All the Dirt on Winter Sowing - Join Charles County Master Gardeners Molly Moore and Marlene Smith in this recorded presentation as they introduce 10 simple steps to winter sowing and share their personal experiences.

You can also view and download PowerPoint Presentation.

All the Dirt on Winter Sowing Native Plants - Join Charles County Master Gardeners Molly Moore and Marlene Smith in this recorded presentation of their live workshop held on January 7, 2023, at our extension office in Bel Alton. They cover the “what and why” of native plants, share their 10 simple steps to winter sowing, and share their personal experiences with native plant gardens.

You can also view and download the PowerPoint Presentation.

All the Dirt on Winter Sowing Veggies, Herbs, Annuals & Natives – In this PowerPoint edition of their “All the Dirt on Winter Sowing” series, Master Gardeners Molly Moore and Marlene Smith showcase the what, why, when, and how of the popular winter sowing method of germinating seeds. This time they include vegetables, herbs, annuals and natives, along with their experiences and outcomes with companion planting in the vegetable garden, as well as some of projects that use the winter sowing method.

Vegetable gardening

Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening - All you need to know about starting a vegetable garden and maximizing your harvest, from selecting your plants to succession planting for longer growing seasons.

Flower gardening 

Plant This, Not That! Learn about great native plants that you can substitute for common invasive plants from botanist and Washington County Master Gardener Ann Aldrich.

Adding Native Plants to Your Landscape How to incorporate more native flowers and other plants into your garden and yard to support local wildlife and pollinators.

Fruit gardening

Unique Fruit for Home Landscapes - Fruit trees and bushes can add ornamental interest and culinary value. In other words, you can have your landscape and eat it, too!

Small Fruit for the Home Garden - Dig deeper into the best varieties of small fruiting trees and plants for Maryland gardens.

Container Gardening

Garden Anywhere - Container gardening allows you to grow vegetables and flowers anywhere, no matter how small your space.

Building raised beds How-to steps for building and filling your raised beds.

School & Youth Gardens

Growing Healthy Youth Gardens - How to plan a school or youth garden and engage kids at every step.


Lawn Basics Turf expert Geoff Rinehart teaches the basics of caring for your lawn and winning the battle against pesky weeds.

Seed Saving

Veggie Seed Saving - How to collect, process and store seeds from different vegetable families.

Native Plant Seed Saving - Techniques for selecting, collecting and storing seeds from native plants.           

Growing native plants from seeds - Learn about special requirements for growing native plants from seeds. (Don’t let words like scarification scare you!) Passcode: Seeds@2020

Sustainability & Climate

Composting Easy steps to composting at home and creating your own gardening “black gold.”

Healthy Soil Conventional methods for agriculture and landscaping have seriously degraded our soil. Learn how you can build back healthy soil to improve your garden and the environment.

Regenerative Gardening - Growing food successfully and sustainably in a changing climate How to grow your garden to adapt to already occurring climate change while helping reduce future climate change.

Regenerative Landscaping - Learn how to create beautiful residential, commercial and municipal landscapes that will reduce carbon emissions, improve soil health, help manage storm water and save money.    

Climate Change & Native Plants How climate change is affecting native plants in our region and what that means for your garden.

Activity Books

Bulbs 101

Gardening 101

Just for Kids Activities

Seeds 101


How to Make a Bean Cup

How to Make a Seed Ball (Bomb)

How to Make a Seed Ball (Bomb) (Kit)

Let's Learn the Parts of a Plant

How to Make a Self-Watering Planter (Kit)

How to Make a Self-Watering Planter

Caterpillar Craft Kit

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Additional Websites

Butterfly Garden and Habitat Program - Learn how to start a butterfly garden, select plants that invite adult butterflies to your garden to feed.

Celebrating Wildflowers

Good Bugs and Bad Bugs Student Booklet

Plants and Animals -  Learn about Native Plants  and Pollinators

U.S. Department of Agriculture Kids Activities - You can play a role in protecting our nation’s crops, forests, parks and trees from hungry pests! Enjoy these games and activities as you learn more about invasive species, and ways you can help stop their spread.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Kids Activity Book - What does the word “agriculture mean to you? Activities to teach kids about farming, livestock, and how farmers provide food for the world. 

Wildflower Coloring Pages

Wildflower Kids Activities  

U.S. Forest Teacher Resources - Factsheets and activities on Plants Alive, What is a wildflower, Wildflower Parts, Pollinators, Bees as Pollinators, State Flowers in MD , Butterfly garden and Habitat program and much more.

NC State Extension Grow For It Curriculum

Soil Science Society of America Teachers Resources

USDA National Resources Conservation Service

USDA National Resources Conservation Service Soils - Activities to teach kids about our land, soil, and conservation

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Life Cycle of a Monarch