EC-11 | December 2021

Babysitting 101
Babysitting/Entrepreneurship 101 is a six-hour course that provides participants all the tools needed to establish a trustworthy professional babysitting business with leadership skills to promote in diverse communities. Educators of all levels of experience will find the materials easy to adapt and utilize.
Unit 1 Curriculum
Youth will develop an understanding of babysitting, entrepreneurship, and leadership. They will assess their abilities and skills to be a good babysitter as well as gain knowledge of the parts of a resume and time to create a personal draft. Gaining comprehension of best practices for interviewing and developing interview skills and practice will also be included.
Here is a list of materials for Unit 1. See below for instructions on requesting your copy of the curriculum.
Name of document | File format(s) | File size |
Fact Sheet with supporting documents (does not include PowerPoint files) | 5,450 KB | |
PowerPoint Presentation PDF | 3,138 KB | |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint File | PPTX | 26,927 KB |
Fact Sheet (Instructions Only) | 626 KB | |
Thumbnails for PowerPoint Presentation | 3, 982 KB | |
Questionnaire (Are You the Right Person for Babysitting) | 275 KB | |
Sample Resume | 267 KB | |
Resume Worksheet | 268 KB | |
Interview Questions/Index Card Cutouts | 784 KB |
Unit 2 Curriculum
Youth will create an understanding of important information needed prior to performing a babysitting service for example medical information, emergency contacts, etc… and review safety precautions to be taken. In addition, participants will create a first aid kit to utilize when babysitting as well as learn and demonstrate how to properly burp and change an infant’s diaper.
Here is a list of materials for Unit 2. See below for instructions on requesting your copy of the curriculum.
Name of document | File format(s) | File size |
Fact Sheet with supporting documents (does not include PowerPoint files) | 5,616 KB | |
PowerPoint Presentation PDF | 3,037 KB | |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint File | PPTX | 28,481 KB |
Fact Sheet (Instructions Only) | 795 KB | |
Thumbnails for PowerPoint Presentation | 4,680 KB | |
Explanation Section (Ball Scenario Questions) | 267 KB | |
Babysitter Information Sheet | 228 KB |
Unit 3 Curriculum
Participants will identify and learn how to handle behavior issues as well as ages and stages of youth development while acquiring strategies to avoid behavioral issues when working with youth. Youth will also learn to recognize and attain strategies to use when dealing with emergencies that may concur while babysitting. Entertainment of children and resources to assist will be covered. The course quiz will be given so participants can demonstrate knowledge of understanding of the course materials and objectives.
Here is a list of materials for Unit 3. See below for instructions on requesting your copy of the curriculum.
Name of document | File format(s) | File size |
Fact Sheet with supporting documents (does not include PowerPoint files) | 5,646 KB | |
PowerPoint Presentation PDF | 3,159 KB | |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint File | PPTX | 27,436 KB |
Fact Sheet (Instructions Only) | 497 KB | |
Thumbnails for PowerPoint Presentation | 3,396 KB | |
Extension Activity Worksheets & Supporting Materials |
"Ages and Stages" Puzzle Activity | 902 KB | |
Playdough Recipe | 278 KB | |
Butterfly Baggies | 354 KB | |
*Babysitting Jeopardy Game (Microsoft PowerPoint File) | PPT | 2,697 KB |
Babysitting 101 Quiz | 333 KB | |
Babysitting 101 certificate (letter size) of completion | fillable PDF | 2.5 MB |
Babysitting 101 certificate (wallet card) of completion | fillable PDF | 168.2 KB |
*Source: Babysitting Jeopardy Game by Richard J. Siciliano Coordinator, Department of Instructional Technology Charles County Community College (College of Southern Maryland) LaPlata, Maryland
To obtain a copy of this curriculum click the button below to fill out a request form. This curriculum is appropriate for youth ages 12-16 years old.
SHERYL BENNETT 4-H Extension Educator University of Maryland Extension–Howard County sherylb@umd.edu CHRIS REIN 4-H Youth Development Educator University of Maryland Extension –Howard County crein@umd.edu This publication, Babysitting 101 (EC-11), is a series of publications of the University of Maryland Extension and within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The information presented has met UME peer-review standards, including internal and external technical review. For help accessing this or any UME publication contact: itaccessibility@umd.edu For more information on this and other topics, visit the University of Maryland Extension website at extension.umd.edu University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class. |