New Web-Based Soybean Budget Tool
Alan Leslie, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Charles County
With grant funding from the Maryland Soybean Board, we have been working to develop a new web-based app for calculating crop budgets for growing soybeans. The goal for this...Read more>>
Andrew Kness, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Depending on where you are in the state, small grains may have gotten off to a slow start or may have not established well enough in the fall to make a productive 2021 wheat crop. As wheat approaches...Read more>>

Fusarium Head Blight Management
Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crop Pathologist, University of Maryland Delaware
Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), caused by the fungus Fusarium, is typically the most important disease of small grains in our region. Fusarium species that cause FHB can...Read more>>
Early-Season Scouting For Wheat Diseases
Andrew Kness, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Spring is a busy time on the farm that demands a lot of different tasks; one of the tasks that can be overlooked is scouting your small grains now for the...Read more>>

April IPM Insect Scouting Tips
Emily Zobel, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Dorchester County
Alfalfa weevils emerge and lay eggs in alfalfa stems in Mid-April. The larvae are yellowish-green with blackheads. The easiest way to scout for this...Read more>>
Cover Crop Termination for 2021
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, Jamie Taraila and Amy Shober, Nutrient Management Specialist, University of Maryland Delaware
With April and warmer temperatures finally, here, it is time to think about cover crop termination. This spring, we expect lower cover crop biomass at...Read more>>

Maryland Circuit Court Judge Reverses Final Maryland AFO Permit
Paul Goeringer, Agriculture Legal Specialist, University of Maryland, Agriculture Law Education Initiative
Earlier this month, a circuit court judge in Montgomery County reversed the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE) final 2020 Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) Discharge Permit for not considering ammonia emission discharges into...Read more>>
Removal of Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses
Doris Behnke, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County
Now is the time to remove the egg masses that the adult spotted lanternfly (SLF) laid last year. To do this you will need...Read more>>

Farmer Cooperators Needed For On-Farm Nitrogen Trials
Nicole Fiorellino, Extension Agronomist, University of Maryland, Amy Shober, Nutrient Management Specialist, University of Delaware
The University of Maryland and the University of Delaware are looking for farmers throughout both states to participate in a...Read more>>
What To Do With Thinning Alfalfa Stands
Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Washington County
It’s the time of year when our alfalfa fields are just waking from winter slumber, or at least we hope they are.
We are hopeful that a combination of favorable moisture and thoughtful management will...Read more>>

Pesticide Recertification Workbook
A team of Extension agents from the University of Maryland, University of Delaware, and Penn State have produced a workbook for applicators that do not have access to our virtual training materials. This workbook is intended to give Maryland Private Pesticide Applicators the recertification training (4 credits) needed to renew the applicator’s license. Topics covered in this workbook are MDA-approved and are equivalent to two hours of in-person training needed every three years to renew your private applicator’s license. This workbook is also approved for three (3) Delaware credits and two (2) core Pennsylvania credits.
In order to receive credit, you must complete the entire workbook. At the end of the workbook, you will answer a 30-question quiz and return it to the Baltimore County Extension office.
To order your free workbook, please call the Harford County Extension office at (410) 638-3255.
Great resources are just a click away!
Maryland Grain Maryland Agronomy News Blog Nutrient Management University of Maryland Extension Ag Law Initiative Women in Agriculture Plant Diagnostic Lab
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. Subscription is free.