Cattle with calves
Updated: December 21, 2022

Maryland Beef Webinar Series

Webinars will be held from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month.  While each event is free, registration is required. Recordings of past sessions can be found in the archived section below.

Click the buttons below to register for each event. 

March 8 To deworm or not to deworm?
During this session, we will discuss deworming strategies for your herd.
April 12 Breeding & Genetics
During this session, we will discuss breeding and genetics considerations for your herd as we approach the breeding season.
May 10 BREAK for Weekly Consumer Bee Education Series  
June 14 Interpreting a Forage Analysis
During this session, we will discuss how to interpret and use a forage analysis to help with feeding and purchasing decisions.
July 12 Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cattle
During this session, Dr. Katie Mason from the University of Tennessee will discuss mineral nutrition considerations for the beef herd.
Aug. 9 Pasture Management: Stockpiling Tips
During this session, we will discuss tips for stockpiling forage to extend the grazing season.
Sept. 13 Spring Stocker Cattle Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
During this session, we will discuss tips for stocker cattle management.
Oct. 11 Utilizing Crop Residue as a Forage Source
During this session, we will discuss the utilization of crop residue to extend your forage supply.
Nov. 8 Benchmarking for Success
During this session, we will discuss what benchmarks are and how they can be used to help you meet your goals.
Dec. 13 Wintering Bulls & Cows
During this session, we will discuss tips and considerations for managing cows and bulls through the winter.

Recordings of Previous Sessions

Pasture Management for the Fall Season
Presentation Length: 34:32  |  Date: August 2021
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist Dr. Amanda Grev discusses some pasture management practices that can be employed year-round, with particular emphasis on strategies pertinent to the fall season. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Weaning Beef Calves: Reducing Stress and Building Immunity
Video Length:
31:35  | Date: September 2021
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Educator Jeff Semler discusses the importance of minimizing stress during weaning and tips for success. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Managing Heat Stress in Your Cattle
Presentation Length:
37:09  | Date: July 2021
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist Dr. Sarah Potts discusses the impacts of heat stress on cattle, how to recognize it, and ways to reduce its effect on cattle. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Cattle Nutrition 101
Presentation Length:
38:53  | Date: October 2021
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist, Dr. Sarah Potts, explains some of the basics of beef cattle nutrition.  She also discusses how to approach building and evaluating a nutrition program for the beef herd. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Limit Feeding Cattle
Presentation Length: 33:13  | Date: November 2021
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Educator Charlie Sasscer discusses some of the advantages of limit feeding cattle and how to implement this strategy on-farm. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Winter Herd Management Strategies
Presentation Length:
18:01  |  Date: December 2021
Description: In this webinar, Racheal Slattery in the University of Maryland Department of Animal and Avian Sciences discusses tips and strategies for keeping the beef healthy and productive throughout the winter. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

To deworm or not to deworm?
Presentation Length: 41:00  |  Date: March 2022
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist Dr. Sarah Potts discusses some considerations for dewormer utilization in beef cattle. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Breeding & Genetics
Presentation Length: 44:34  |  Date: April 2022
Description: In this webinar, Extension Educator, Jeff Semler, discusses breeding and genetics for the beef herd, including tips for making mating decisions and ensuring the reproductive success of the beef herd. Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Interpreting a Forage Analysis
Presentation Length: 43:20  |  Date: June 2022
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Forage Extension Specialist, Dr. Amanda Grev, provides a detailed overview of what to look for on a forage analysis report.  Presentation slides are available upon request.  Please contact Sarah Potts at

Link to Recording

Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cattle
Presentation Length: 48:25  |  Date: July 2022
Description: In this webinar, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Dr. Katie Mason from the University of Tennessee, discusses the basics of beef cattle mineral nutrition. Dr. Mason also discusses practical mineral feeding considerations for beef producers.

Link to Recording

Spring Stocker Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
Presentation Length: 52:58  |  Date: September 2022
Description: In this presentation, University of Maryland Extension Agent, Charlie Sasscer, discusses his experience with managing stocker cattle. Charlie shares how he got started raising stocker cattle and how he managed them throughout the 2022 season.

Link to Recording

Utilizing Crop Residues in a Grazing System
Presentation Length: 18:03  |  Date: October 2022
Description: In this presentation, Racheal Slattery in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, discusses some strategies and considerations for incorporating crop residues into a beef cattle grazing system.

Link to Recording

Benchmarking for Success
Presentation Length: 22:36  |  Date: November 2022
Description: In this presentation University of Maryland Extension Specialist Dr. Sarah Potts discusses how benchmarks can be used to improve the cow-calf herd and how to get started using benchmarks.

Link to Recording

Wintering Cows and Bulls
Presentation Length: 29:59  |  Date: December 2022
Description: In this presentation, University of Maryland Extension Educator, Jeff Semler, discusses strategies for ensuring animals remain healthy and productive throughout the winter.

Link to Recording