Utilizing Crop Residues in a Grazing System
Length: 18:04
Presenter: Racheal Slattery, Beef and Dairy Extension Coordinator, Department of Animal & Avian Sciences
Description: In this presentation, Racheal Slattery in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, discusses some strategies and considerations for incorporating crop residues into a beef cattle grazing system.
Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cattle
Length: 48:25
Presenter: Dr. Katie Mason, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, University of Tennessee
Description: In this webinar, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Dr. Katie Mason from the University of Tennessee, discusses the basics of beef cattle mineral nutrition. Dr. Mason also discusses practical mineral feeding considerations for beef producers.
Interpreting a Forage Analysis
Length: 43:20
Presenter: Dr. Amanda Grev, Forage Extension Specialist
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist Dr. Amanda Grev discusses how to understand and utilize a forage analysis in livestock production.
Limit Feeding Beef Cattle
Length: 33:14
Presenter: Charlie Sasscer, Extension Educator-Prince George's County
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Educator Charlie Sasscer discusses some of the advantages of limit feeding cattle and how to implement this strategy on-farm.
Cattle Nutrition 101
Length: 38:53
Presenter: Sarah Potts, Ph.D., Dairy and Beef Extension Specialist
Description: In this webinar, University of Maryland Extension Specialist, Dr. Sarah Potts, explains some of the basics of beef cattle nutrition. She also discusses how to approach building and evaluating a nutrition program for the beef herd.
Pasture Management for the Fall Season
Length: 34:32
Presenter: Amanda Grev, Ph.D., Forage Extension Specialist
Description: In this webinar, Extension Forage Specialist, Dr. Amanda Grev, discusses some pasture management practices that can be employed year-round, with particular emphasis on strategies pertinent to the fall season.