June 2021 | Volume 12, Issue 3

Will Your Preemergence Herbicides be Effective?
Kurt Vollmer, Extension Specialist, Weed Management
Despite a less than ideal Memorial Day weekend, I’m sure many of us are grateful for the rain. While corn was planted several weeks ago, many places went for weeks without significant rainfall. As a result, many fields... Read more>>
Amanda Grev, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Pasture and Forages
When it comes to something like mowing or clipping pastures, there are certainly two sides to the fence: those that think mowing or clipping pastures is just something that has to be done, and those that think it is a waste of time and fuel and offers... Read more >>

Checking Vegetative Growth Stages
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, University of Delaware
Corn at our research station in Georgetown, DE is at V4, which means we will probably be sidedressing several fields next week. Anyone who planted prior to April 25th may be one leaf ahead, and plans for sidedressing should be done. If you are unsure of which stage you are at, one common method is... Read more>>
Summertime Nutrient Management Housekeeping: Tips from the Agricultural Nutrient Management Program
Emileigh R. Lucas, Nutrient Management Communication Specialist, University of Maryland, College Park
Depending on the crops you grow, summertime brings spurts of tremendous work in the field, and lulls in between when other farm maintenance is on the agenda. During one of those brutally hot Maryland summer... Read more>>

Wheat Yields & Double-Crops—Time is Everything for Maximum Yields
Andrew Kness, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Combines will be rolling very soon to harvest wheat, soon followed by the planter to get double-crop soybeans in the
ground. As you know, for both wheat and soybeans, time is of the essence to maximize yields. This article is...Read more>>
Sasscer Joins Prince George’s County AgFS Extension
Campbell Wolov, Student Intern, University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems Program
Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) Extension is pleased to welcome its newest member Charles (Charlie) Sasscer to the team. Charlie is the new Prince George’s County AgFS Extension Educator and we look forward to working
alongside him to provide research-based educational programming to benefit current and aspiring Maryland farmers. Charlie completed... Read more>>

Pesticide Recertification Workbook
A team of Extension agents from the University of Maryland, University of Delaware, and Penn State have produced a workbook for applicators that do not have access to our virtual training materials. This workbook is intended to give Maryland Private Pesticide Applicators the recertification training (4 credits) needed to renew the applicator’s license. Topics covered in this workbook are MDA-approved and are equivalent to two hours of in-person training needed every three years to renew your private applicator’s license. This workbook is also approved for three (3) Delaware credits and two (2) core Pennsylvania credits.
In order to receive credit, you must complete the entire workbook. At the end of the workbook, you will answer a 30-question quiz and return it to the Baltimore County Extension office.
To order your free workbook, please call the Harford County Extension office at (410) 638-3255.
LEAD Maryland Accepting Applications for Class XII
Beginning June 1, interested candidates are encouraged to apply for participation in LEAD Maryland Class XII (2022-23). Class XII will participate in 2022-23. The application will remain open until October 1. All application materials can be found on the homepage of the LEAD Maryland website.
Great resources are just a click away!
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. Subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent
University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
e-mail: akness@umd.edu