About the Types of Foresters
Maryland is one of the few states in this region that requires licensing to be considered a Maryland Professional Forester. The forester has a number and stamp. To be licensed the forester must have a 4-year forestry degree, experience, and acquire 8 continuing education credits every two years.
- Public Forester (DNR) - County-based forester who work for the state. Develop forest stewardship plans but will not handle commercial timber sales.
- Consultant Forester - Independent forester hired by you, who works as your agent representing your interests. Works on commission or fee basis. Offers a broad range of services related to marketing timber, developing forest stewardship plans, and other services. Since this person represents your interests and is paid on commission, it is important that you feel comfortable with their decisions on your behalf. Interview a few consultants or get references from other forest landowners before you make a decision.
- Industrial Forester - Forester who works for a particular mill and represents the interests of that mill.
State Foresters
To contact a state forester in Maryland, contact the Department of Natural Resources Forest Service office in your county: Contact Information
DNR Forest Service programs vary throughout the state. Choose your region to view a brochure of services in your area.
Maryland Forest Service offices & services by region
Western Maryland
Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington counties: Go here
Central Maryland
Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Harford, Howard, & Montgomery counties: Go here
Southern Maryland
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George's, and St. Mary's counties: Go here
Eastern Maryland
Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, and Wicomico counties: Go here
Private Foresters
To contact a private forester for consulting or industrial purposes, use the Maryland Consulting & Industrial Foresters Directory, provided by the University of Maryland Extension - Woodland Stewardship Education program. Updated January 2025.
Did you know?
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service's "Online Forester" website includes ways to find Forest Product Operators and Licensed Tree Experts in Maryland.
Forest Product Operators
Locate sawmill, logging and firewood companies by county, by service, or by a general search.
Licensed Tree Experts
All tree care professionals practicing in Maryland must obtain a license. Without a license, they may not practice or advertise tree care services in the state. Search for one that meets your needs.

Maryland/Delaware Master Logger program
The Maryland-Delaware Master Logger Program is a voluntary training and education program for loggers who work in Maryland and Delaware. The program helps loggers meet the ever-increasing demands of the logging profession. The courses provide information about current environmental regulations, forestry principles, and safe work practices.