Agriculture in Somerset County

Somerset County is the southernmost county in Maryland's Eastern Shore. Only 26% of the land-base is classified as agricultural, however, agriculture is the largest industry in the County. Approximately 286 farm businesses encompass 65,212 acres of farmland with the average farm size of 228 acres. Production of corn, soybeans, broilers, vegetables and livestock rank Somerset County 3rd in agriculture value for the State of Maryland.  Somerset County ranks #1 in the state for broiler production, making it a leader in broiler poultry production.

Agriculture and natural resources are crucial to Maryland’s economy, environment and way of life of its residents. From the food we eat, to the flowers and plants in our homes, the landscaping of our yards, valuable real estate, beautiful coastal waters and fine recreational hunting all relate to the state’s agricultural land use.

Over two million acres are farmed in Maryland by a variety of crops, livestock and industries.  Commodities such as corn grain, soybeans and wheat feed poultry and livestock. Vegetable and fruit crops are grown in the local season for wholesale, retail and farmers markets. The nursery and greenhouse industry supplies residents, businesses and urban areas with plants, shrubs and trees.

The University of Maryland Extension is a source of research based agriculture technical information and is provided through various fact sheets, workshops, field days, one on one consultations and educational seminars. Major educational programs focus on commercial vegetable, fruit and field crop production; nursery and greenhouse production; nutrient management; integrated pest management; safety training for pesticide license certification; risk management; pasture and livestock management.

Click on any of the agriculture programs listed below to find out more information:

Questions? Contact our Local Agriculture Faculty

Wicomico Extension Office: 410-749-6141 

Commercial Horticulture Principal Agent Associate: Virginia Rosenkranz, 410-749-6141 ext 106

Agriculture Agent: Sarah Hirsch410 651-1350

Agriculture Agent: Haley Sater, 410-749-6141 ext 115

Agriculture Agent Associate: Maegan Perdue, 410-632-1972