November 1, 2021 | Volume 12, Issue 7
Basil Downy Mildew Cultivar Study
By Jerry Brust, Extension IPM Vegetable Specialist, University of Maryland, and Karen Rane, Director, Plant Diagnostic Clinic, University of Maryland
Summary: This study examined five cultivars (Passion, Obsession, Devotion, Thunderstruck and Prospera) of basil that are reported to have resistance to basil downy mildew with a susceptible cultivar (Aroma). A field trial was planted in July and harvested throughout the summer and fall. Four of the five cultivars...Read more
Spring-Seeded Grass Cover Crops in Watermelon Production
By Kurt Vollmer, Weed Management Specialist, University of Maryland Extension
Commercially acceptable weed control is difficult to achieve in plasticulture vegetables even with pre- and post-emergent herbicide applications. These applications often do not provide season long weed control between rows. Moreover, several weed species have become...Read more
Fuji Apple Fruit Quality: Effect of Harvest Maturity and Storage Temperatures
By Macarena Farcuh, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland
Fuji apples are among the top cultivars produced in the US. This late season cultivar stands out for its great quality and consumer acceptability, as well as for its good storage potential. Nevertheless, overall Fuji apple fruit quality can be impacted by several factors, including environmental...Read more

Advanced Photography Training: Learn How to Take Good Nature Photos
Date: November 13, 2021 | Saturday
Time: 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $10 per person
Description: This training is for past Covert Project Cooperators/Maryland Woodland Stewards who want to learn from national photography expert Edwin Remsburg (https://remsberg.photoshelter.com/index) how to take pictures of wildlife, landscapes, woodlands, and people using a smartphone or regular 35mm. Click for more information and to register
Marylanders Encouraged to Keep a Lookout for this Invasive Pest
If you suspect you have found a spotted lanternfly, then report the sighting and location information to the Maryland Department of Agriculture at MD Spotted Lanternfly Online Survey. The link to the survey is under the picture "REPORT SPOTTED LANTERNFLY HERE"
Increasing Soil Health and Sequestering Carbon in Agricultural Soils: A Natural Climate Solution
By Sara Via, Professor of Entomology, University of Maryland
A very comprehensive look at soil health and how agricultural practices that increase soil health also sequester carbon in the soil, making agriculture part of the climate solution. The book entails a complete list of recommended NRCS carbon sequestering practices and how they store carbon, as well as their economic and environmental co-benefits and how to structure outreach programs to increase the adoption of these key practices.
Published by the Izaak Walton League of America and the National Wildlife Federation.
For a copy of the report: click here

To register, go to fieldwatch.com. For more information about FieldWatch, read this helpful resource or call the MDA’s Pesticide Regulation Section at 410-841-5710.
EPA Finalizes New, Stronger Safety Measures for Pesticide Paraquat
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the interim decision (ID) for the pesticide paraquat dichloride (paraquat) finalizing new, stronger safety measures to reduce exposure. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires the...Read more
Agriculture Law Education Initiative (ALEI) Food Safety Program
Agriculture is the largest commercial industry in Maryland contributing over $8 billion dollars to the state’s economy. The Agriculture Law Education Initiative (ALEI) began in 2013 in response to a realization that Maryland’s farm families need more information about the laws that impact their operations. ALEI is comprised of legal specialists and other extension specialists who help farmers...Read more
Food Safety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
The University of Maryland Plant Science Department, Food Safety Group collaborates with the Maryland Department of Agriculture Food Quality Assurance Program, UMD Agriculture Law Education Initiative, and the University of Maryland Extension Food Safety to provide Maryland farmers and producers with support, education, and assistance in fresh produce safety. More about us on...Read more
Statewide Meetings for the 2022 Production Season
Fall is officially here, meaning your local Ag Agents are preparing for the 2021-2022 Winter Production Meetings. Please see the table for the meetings that are scheduled thus far.
Agriculture Extension Winter Crop Production Meetings Table
Pesticide and Nutrient Management Meetings
Row Crop and Forage Production MeetingsFruit and Vegetable Grower Meetings
Vegetable & Fruit News, November 1, 2021, Volume 12, Issue 7 (pdf)
Vegetable & Fruit News is a timely publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry available electronically in 2021 from April through October on the following dates: April 15, May 13, June 10, July 15, August 19, September 9, and October 28 (Special Research & Meeting Edition). Published by the University of Maryland Extension Focus Teams: 1) Agriculture and Food Systems; and 2) Environment and Natural Resources.
Subscribe to Vegetable & Fruit News
R. David Myers
Extension Educator, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
Phone: (410) 222-3906
Email: myersrd@umd.edu
Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole endorsements. The information has been provided for educational purposes only.