Early emergence of red maple flowers in spring.

Early emergence of red maple flowers in spring.

Updated: August 19, 2024
By Andrew Kling , and John Hooven

In our Summer 2024 issue...

Read about how new and old can make a positive mix, and about the importance of conserving existing forest buffers. Our two popular online courses, "The Woods in Your Backyard" and "The General Forestry Course," return for the fall. Our "Native Trees of Maryland" looks at the red maple, and "Invasives in Your Woodlands" looks at Japanese hop. And don't forget the events calendar and the Brain Tickler challenge.

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A Mix of Young and Old for the Future

 Andrew A. Kling, Branching Out editor

Occasionally, the two roles I have with UME intersect, and I find I can use a mix of old and new skills to move projects forward, just as forest managers have learned it's good to have a mix of new and old growth to keep woodlands and wildlife healthy.

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Why conserving existing forest buffers is just as important as planting new ones

Jake Solyst, Chesapeake Bay Program

Forest buffers are critical to the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its wildlife. But while forest buffer planting may be gaining momentum, the Chesapeake Bay watershed has lost more forest buffers than it’s gained.

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Native Trees of Maryland: Red Maple, Acer rubrum

John Hooven, Cape Atlantic (NJ) Conservation District forester

Red Maple, Acer rubrum, is one of the most commonly occurring trees in eastern North America. The tree is well adapted to many different site conditions, from lowlands to uplands, and shady to sunny. Therefore, its suitable habitat can be found across the entirety of Maryland.

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Registration is Now Open For the Fall Session of “The Woods in Your Backyard” Online Course

Registration is now open for the Fall 2024 session of “The Woods in Your Backyard” online course. Our course is designed primarily for small-acreage property owners who want to learn how to care for or expand existing woodlands, or to convert lawn space to woodlands. The self-directed, non-credit online course runs for ten weeks, from September 9 to November 18, 2024.

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Becoming a Steward of the Land: UME Forestry Program Offers Certification Course

 Learn to be a steward of the land this fall with the University of Maryland Extension’s General Forestry Course.  The online course features revised content with updated with many new full-color photos and graphics, and will run from August 26 through December 9, 2024.

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Invasives in Your Woodland: Japanese Hop

Japanese hop is a native of Asia and was imported to North America as an ornamental plant and for Oriental medicinal purposes in the late 1800s. It is an annual vine that can climb or twine around trees, fences, and more. It also spreads rapidly across open spaces and can overgrow and shade out native species in the understory.

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Events Calendar

August 27, 2024
Maryland Trees under Attack: What We Can Do

Presented by the Maryland Native Plant Society. In this webinar, Dr. Faith Campbell (president of the Center for Invasive Species Prevention) notes which of Maryland's trees have been most heavily affected by attacks from  non-native insects and diseases, observes how this impacts our plant communities more broadly, and shares what strategies citizens can support through volunteer actions and advocacy. Learn more and register here.


October 18-20, 2024
2024 Chesapeake Watershed Forum
Shepherdstown WV

The19th annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV on October 18-20, 2024. This watershed-wide event reaches over 400 restoration and conservation practitioners annually to inspire and empower local action towards clean water. Registration Opens August 5. Learn more at https://www.allianceforthebay.org/event/chesapeake-watershed-forum/


October 24-26, 2024
2024 American Chestnut Symposium
Cromwell, CT

Presented by the American Chestnut Foundation. Celebrate successes, build new relationships, and join passionate volunteers, members, partners, supporters, landowners, scientists, and industry professionals to forge the path toward restoration of the American chestnut. Learn more at https://tacf.org/2024-american-chestnut-symposium/

Branching Out, Vol. 32, no. 3 (Summer 2024)

Branching Out is the free, quarterly newsletter of the Woodland Stewardship Education program. For more than 30 years, Branching Out has kept Maryland woodland owners and managers informed about ways to develop and enhance their natural areas, how to identify and control invasive plants and insects, and about news and regional online and in-person events.
