November 2023 | Volume 14, Issue 8

Can Flame Weeding be Used for Early-Season Weed Control in Soybean?
Kurt Vollmer, Dwayne Joseph, and Alan Leslie, University of Maryland
Starting clean or weed-free is the key to a good weed control program, especially when noxious weeds, such as Palmer amaranth are present. While conventional growers can use soil-active herbicides to manage these...Read more about Can Flame Weeding be Used for Early-Season Weed Control in Soybean?
Optimizing Early Season Pest Management for Maryland Field Corn
Maria Cramer, PhD Candidate, and Kelly Hamby, Entomology Extension Specialist, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland
In order to capture the range of pest pressures and growing conditions in Maryland, we replicated our study across 3 UMD research farms (Keedysville, Beltsville, and Queenstown) and over...Read more about Optimizing Early Season Pest Management for Maryland Field Corn.

2023 Maryland Tar Spot of Corn Research
Andrew Kness, Senior Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Tar spot is a new foliar fungal disease of corn first discovered in the United States in 2015 and confirmed in Maryland in 2022 and was estimated to be the most significant yield-limiting disease of corn in the US in 2021 and 2022. As a new disease for our state, this project collected preliminary data on the distribution of tar...Read more about 2023 Maryland Tar Spot of Corn Research.
Effects of Cover Crops and Nitrogen Rates on Corn Yields
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, University of Delaware
Quick summary: When available soil N is lower, rye cover crops may occasionally reduce yields while clover cover crops may occasionally improve yields. At adequate fertilizer levels, yields are not affected by...Read more about Effects of Cover Crops and Nitrogen Rates on Corn Yields.
Effect of Foliar Fungicides on Frogeye Leaf Spot in Three Maryland Geographies in 2022
Andrew Kness, Senior Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Trials were established at the Wye Research and Education Center in Queenstown, MD (WYE), Central Maryland Research and Education Center in Ellicott City, MD (CMREC), and Western Maryland Research and Education Center in Keedysville, MD (WMREC) in 2022 to assess the...Read more about Effect of Foliar Fungicides on Frogeye Leaf Spot in Three Maryland Geographies in 2022.

Effects of Increasing Corn Tissue Boron and Sulfur Concentrations on Nitrogen and Yield
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, University of Delaware
As anions, sulfate (SO4) and boron (B) leach easily from the soil surface (particularly sandy loams), potentially leading to sulfur (S) deficiencies in grain crops. In this study we observed whether...Read more about the Effects of Increasing Corn Tissue Boron and Sulfur Concentrations on Nitrogen and Yield.
Corn Planting Timing Effects on Yield and the Relationship to Deer Feeding
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, University of Delaware
Based on some observations in prior years, we planted irrigated corn on three different timings (April, May, and June) to observe three outcomes 1) yield, 2) nutrient uptake, 3) herbivory by deer. Average yields were all...Read more about Corn Planting Timing Effects on Yield and the Relationship to Deer Feeding.

Soil Texture Relationships to Grid Sampled Coastal Soils
Jarrod Miller, Extension Agronomist, and James Adkins, Irrigation Engineer, University of Delaware
Over four hundred soil samples were collected in 2022 for a grid sampling project at the Warrington Irrigation Research farm. Based on the range in cation exchange capacity (CEC) on...Read more about Soil Texture Relationships to Grid Sampled Coastal Soils.
Maryland Drought Activates SBA Disaster Loan Program
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced today that federal Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) are available in Maryland...Read more
Soybean Pesticide Survey
The U.S. Soybean Export Council is seeking external assistance in assessing the use and importance of pesticides, fungicides and insecticides in the production of U.S. soybeans. With this information, USSEC seeks to quantify the risks posed by misaligned or non-existent Maximum Residue Limits for pesticides in the international trade of soybeans. As part of this effort, USSEC is collecting information on the importance of different pesticides in U.S. soybean producing areas to better understand which chemistries are most important to U.S. farmers. This information will allow USSEC to better assess risks associated with differences in global MRLs and improve U.S. soy marketability.
This survey link below has a list of chemistries that are important to soybean production in the U.S. in the form of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and other biological agents. Please feel free to share this link with other extension staff who also may be able to provide guidance on the importance of the chemistries. As you are filling out the survey, if a chemistry doesn't apply to your area of expertise, please feel free to skip it.
We are looking to collect all responses by November 27 at the latest.
2023 Maryland Corn Hybrid Trial Results
Nicole Fiorellino, Extension Agronomist, University of Maryland, College Park
Linked below is the 2023 University of Maryland Corn Hybrid Trials results performed annually at multiple UMD Research and Education Centers. The factsheet can also be downloaded from the MD Crops website at https://psla.umd.edu/extension/md-crops. To request a hard copy, please contact your local UMD Extension office. Many thanks to Louis Thorne and Joe Crank for their leadership and management of the trials, from seed organization, to planting, to harvest. These trials could not be completed without them.
We are grateful for the funding provided by Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board to support these trials. MGPUB provides our program with checkoff funding to support applied agricultural research and generate results that directly benefit Maryland producers.
For more information on how to interpret and utilize hybrid/variety trial data, check out our fact sheet, What do the numbers really mean? Interpreting variety trial results.
Download Agronomy News, November 2023, Vol. 14, Issue 8 (pdf)
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. The subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
Email: akness@umd.edu