The Agriculture and Food Systems Program has key programs providing assistance and support to the County's agricultural community. In addition, state-wide programs provide comprehensive assistance including marketing, farmers markets, environmental quality and many integrated programs.

Explore Montgomery County & Statewide Programs

  • Close Encounters with Agriculture

    Close Encounters with Agriculture

    Annual award-winning agriculture, environment, and nutrition education program offered to Montgomery County fourth-grade students.

  • Agricultural Nutrient Management Program

    Nutrient Management

    Plan writing assistance provided to farmers.

  • Beginning Farmer Logo

    Small Farm Workshops

    Beginning Small Farm Workshop services are offered annually, please contact

  • Case of Strawberries ready for market

    Commercial Horticulture

    UME provides educational programming and materials, applied research results, and consultations to assist arborists, landscapers, and nurseries. 

  • A man manually spraying crops in a field.

    Pesticide Safety & Training

    Agricultural assistance provided to producers and businesses with timely information regarding pesticide use. 

  • Apple orchard

    Fruit and Vegetable Production

    Assistance provided to increase the productivity and profitability of farmers while protecting natural resources.

  • Bakyard Chickens

    Animal Science

    Applied research and research-based educational program designed to help growers and managers of beef and dairy cattle, goat, horse, poultry, sheep, and other animals. 

  • Combine harvesting corn

    Agricultural Production

    Program offerings to increase productivity, profitability, and protect soil health, and water quality for row crop producers.

  • Two people practice safe use of hand tools on an urban farm in Baltimore, MD

    Urban Agriculture

    Resources designed for urban farmers and urban agriculture entrepreneurs.

  • UME Logo

    UME Agriculture & Food Systems

    The University of Maryland Extension conducts applied research and educational programs for grain marketing/production, oilseeds, horticulture, floriculture, livestock, and conservation.

  • Terminating the cover crop with a shielded herbicide application.

    Weed Management

    The University of Maryland Extension program assist growers in developing effective weed management programs for agronomic and vegetable crops.

  • Small Flock Feed in Store

    Farm and Agribusiness Management Programs

    The University of Maryland Extension helps Maryland producers and agribusinesses improve their business management skills, increase profitability, and fulfill long-term goals.

  • Combine harvesting grain

    Grain Marketing

    Grain marketing information as well as topics related to farm risk management including custom rates, crop budgets, and lease agreements.

  • A variety of fresh produce from the farmers market including tomatoes, zucchini, squash, and watermelon.

    Agriculture & Farmers Market Promotion & Regulations

    The Agriculture Marketing Program assists individuals with plans, develop profitable, sustainable marketing opportunities to enhance Maryland’s agricultural economy.

  • Solar panel in field

    Maryland Energy Extension

    The University of Maryland Extension program helps facilitate sustainable energy decisions for agricultural producers, landowners, businesses and residents throughout Maryland.

  • MD Flag Shutterstock

    Integrated Programs

    State and Federal program resources for all agriculture-related topics.

Year of the Woman Farmer