Maryland Retail Products Producer Program (MRPPP) is a developing program for producers and craft food and beverage entrepreneurs who want to scale up to retail markets and capture the growing demand for local foods statewide.

This curriculum, discussion group, and other resources are designed to help producers access these new larger-scale retail and foodservice markets. Farmers have the opportunity to sell their products for retail sales in grocery stores, co-op markets, food hubs, foodservice buyers, chefs, restaurants, and institutions.
Whether you are an experienced grower or a novice farmer, some of the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this market differ from those to sell in commodities markets.
The MRPPP will provide best practices and examples of what works and what doesn’t base on research into different retail “channels” (chains, independent grocers, and cooperative retailers), restaurants, wholesalers, and foodservice (food distributors), and specialty distributors).