Program Information & Resources

4-H activities and events are planned to support the learning of 4-H members. They provide hands on opportunities for youth to learn new skills and evaluate their progress towards achieving established goals. Many activities allow 4-H members to showcase their knowledge and skills to the public and provide recognition to the 4-H member. 4-H offers a combination of cooperative and competitive events; an opportunity to participate in club, county, regional, state, national and international levels.

4-H activities and events offered in Cecil County include, but are not limited to:

  • 4-H Shows, Fairs and other 4-H Exhibitions
  • Benefit Auction Fundraiser
  • Camp - Residential
  • Communication Contests - Public Speaking, Demonstrations, Show & Tell
  • Creative Clovers (youth ages 5-7)
  • Fashion Revue
  • Hands-On Animal Science Classes (youth ages 5-18)
  • In-School & Community Outreach Program
  • Judging - Dairy, Dairy Goat, Horse, Horticulture, Livestock, Poultry & Egg, Rabbit, Wildlife
  • Life Skills Classes
  • National 4-H Week Promotion
  • Out of State Leadership & Skills Trips
  • Project Based Workshops (Winterfest, 4-H Learning Day)
  • Quiz Bowls - Dairy, Dog, Horse
  • Recognition Events - Achievement Night, Cecil County Fair 4-H Awards Ceremony
  • Scholarship Opportunities (All-Star, Maryland 4-H Foundation)
  • Shooting Sports Events - Archery, Shotgun
  • Skillathons - Dairy, Dairy Goat, Dog, Horse (Hippology), Livestock
  • STEM (Engineering, Robotics, Agriculture)

Programs In Cecil County

4-H At Home

4-H at Home provides critical learning resources for kids and teens to do at home.  Check out the following links for Learning Opportunities and Service Projects that you can do from home.  There are also Volunteer Resources.  Explore Clover by 4-H, to receive hands-on, educational activities, including our latest Clover by 4-H activities and Shop 4-H curriculum to help inspire young people to do, learn, and grow.

Maryland 4-H Youth Development 

Clover by 4-H

Achievement Night

Achievement Night is an annual event held in early March that recognizes 4-H youth and volunteers for their accomplishments and awards are presented for the previous year's work.  4-H volunteers, clubs, and supporters are also recognized for their service to the 4-H youth development program.

For more information on this year's Achievement Night, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.



Animal Science

Hands-On Animal Science Classes

Cecil County 4-H offers fun, hands-on Animal Science classes monthly (3rd Wednesday) from 7-8:15 PM.  All the sessions are hands-on.  You do not have to attend all the class topics.  Please register your attendance using the webform by noon the day before the scheduled class, so  supplies and materials can be prepared in advance. These classes are open to 4-Hers, including Clovers. 

For current offerings of hands-on classes, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.

Visit our Animal Science Information webpage for detailed information on animal projects, resources and forms specific to Cecil County.  Maryland 4-H Animal Science resources can be found on their website.

Thank you to all who came out and supported our 2024 Benefit Auction!  We truly appreciate your support!


November 22, 2025 

Walls Activity Hall, Cecil County Fairgrounds, 4640 Telegraph Road, Elkton, MD



Cecil County 4-H Camp

August 3-8, 2025

Harford County 4-H Camp, Rocks State Park, Maryland


4-H Camp is a summer camp for all 4-Hers, conducted at a nearby camp facility.  Camp is open to youth ages 8-14 as of August 1st. Cecil County 4-H Camp directors plan the camp so that 4-Hers (and non 4-Hers alike) can make new friends who have similar interests.  They plan a theme for each camp and offer a variety of workshops to teach leadership and life skills to camp participants.

For additional information or any questions, please call Camp Director Susan Sprout-Knight at 443-553-0542 or email


Cecil 4-H Camp 2024

Creative Clovers Image


Cecil County 4-H Creative Clovers is a fun, hands-on program for Clovers age 5 - 7 years old.  Creative Clover Classes are offered monthly, in addition to club activities.  These classes are fun and energetic as all the sessions are hands-on.  You do not have to attend all the class topics.  To attend any of the classes, you must pre-register by noon the day before the scheduled class. These classes are open to 4-H Clover members ages 5-7.  

For current Creative Clovers class offerings, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.


Cecil 4-Hes visit Calvert Nursing Home


Community Service, such as collecting food and clothing, as well as park clean-ups, is an important part of the 4-H program.  Youth and clubs are encouraged to participate in activities that benefit the community.  In addition, youth that record their hours and submit them are recognized for their service.

You can participate on behalf of a community, school, religious, and/or youth organization. It can be an individual effort or with a group such as a school-based service learning project. This can include club projects, community events, fair activities, and 4-H Camp services. Examples of community service include:  singing at nursing homes, gathering supplies for the troops, volunteering at a local hospital, purchasing items for those in need, and anything that benefits the community for those who are not as fortunate.

Things that do not count are fundraisers, unless all the proceeds are given to an organization like the American Cancer Society or the local homeless shelter that helps others, as long as neither you nor your 4-H club are benefiting from the service.

As a reminder, teaching youth citizenship is one of the core goals of the 4-H program, so each club should be doing several community service activities annually. Hours must be completed during the calendar year.  Use the 4-H Volunteer Service Award Record to track your service hours. 

Do not attach the 4-H Volunteer Service Award Record in your Record Book, it might get overlooked.

Volunteer Service Award Record 2025 (Word Format)

Volunteer Service Award Record 2025 (PDF Format)

The previous year's form is due annually on January 31st.

4-H youth speech

Demonstrations & Communications Events provide opportunities for 4-H youth to talk about the 4-H projects they carry.  Members are encouraged to give a demonstration, or talk about their 4-H projects annually.  The county contest is held in March, with other opportunities throughout the year.

For more information on this year's Communications Day event, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.

Public Speaking - Making a Great Speech

4h community service


The Diamond Clover Award is a 6-level award to encourage members to engage in a variety of projects and activities, thus enabling youth to acquire the skills that will help them lead successful lives as competent, caring and contributing citizens  A new level can be achieved annually.

Youth can start planning now to complete a level by completing your diamond clover plan.

To be recognized for completing Levels 1-5 (Only one level will be recognized annually) of the Diamond Clover Award, completed reports are due by January 31st.  

Diamond Clover Level 6 plans (the community service project plan) are due on September 15th to the Cecil County Extension Office for review and approved county plans are due September 30th to the State 4-H Online portal for completion the following year.

Maryland 4-H Youth Development Website

Eastern Shore Spring Show Goat Champions

Eastern Shore Spring Show

Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Eastern Shore Spring Show is a regional show for 4-Hers to exhibit their animal project (beef, cavy/guinea pig, dairy, dog, goat, sheep, rabbit and swine).


Cecil County Breeders Fair

Cecil County Fairgrounds, Fair Hill, MD 

June 7-8, 2025

Livestock, Rabbit, Cavy & Dog Shows
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Horse Shows, Sunday, June 8, 2025

Cecil County Breeders Fair offers an opportunity for 4-H youth to exhibit and show their animal projects.  

Cecil 4HersCCF2024

Cecil County Fair

Friday, July 18 through Saturday, July 26, 2025

Mandatory 4-H Animal Exhibitor Orientations

The Cecil County Fair in partnership with the Cecil County 4-H program will be holding MANDATORY Animal Exhibitor meetings for ALL 4-H youth exhibitors and their parent/guardian that will be keeping animal projects at the Cecil County Fair. 

Cecil County Fair 4-H Animal Orientations will be held on June 2, 4, 9, and 11, 2025.  Use the link below to register for one of the orientations.

Cecil County 4-H Animal Orientation Registration


Maryland 4-H/FFA Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance Program (AH&QA)

The program opens in mid April. Cecil 4-H members are asked to complete the AH&QA training no later than July 1st.  Members may access the AH&QA program at:  Additionally, a link to access the AH&QA program and the 2024 Maryland 4-H AH&QA Information Sheet are posted on the Animal Science Program Area page of the Maryland 4-H website at  All 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, llamas, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required to have completed the on-line training to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2024 Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows.  

The 2024 program must be completed using Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or Safari web browsers. The program is not supported by Internet Explorer.  The program contains two levels, a Junior-aged Level and an Intermediate/Senior-aged Level. The program automatically directs members to the correct level based on their birthdate. 4-Hers are required to complete the on-line training program when they reach each 4-H age division (juniors (8-10), intermediates (11-13), seniors (14-18) – all as of January 1 of the current year) OR when an Intermediate or Senior 4-H member chooses to show a new species since last completing the program within their age division - they must return to the program and complete it for the new species area. (The Junior program does not have species-specific sections like the Intermediate/Senior program does).


Cecil County Fair Website

Cecil County Fair Facebook

Cecil County Fair 4-H Project List

Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weights

  • Market Broilers-Pair of broilers, each weighing a minimum of 3 lbs. each, under 7 weeks old (Hatched on or after May 31, 2025) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
  • Market Ducks-Pair of ducks, each weighing over 7 pounds (Hatched on or after May 1, 2025) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
  • Market Rabbits-3 rabbits, 3-5 pounds each, under 70 days old (Born on or after May 3, 2025)
  • Market Goat-55-135 pounds (Born after 9/1/24 and must have milk teeth)
  • Market Beef-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/23)
  • Dairy Steer-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/23)
  • Market Lambs-90-160 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/25)
  • Market Hogs-220-290 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/25)
  • Again, No Weight Tolerances in 2025!

Youth are allowed to sell a maximum of 3 animals in the livestock sale and 2 per species.

All Maryland 4-H market and feeder projects must be tagged, weighed, and have proper papers completed and signed in order to exhibit as a 4-Her at any 4-H show in Maryland. All male market animals must be banded, crimped, or cut prior to being tagged and weighed.  In other words market animals tagged as steers can’t be bulls, etc. Market projects cannot be transferred among family members, once they are tagged for the 2025 show season. 4-H shows include the Eastern Shore Spring Show, Cecil County Fair 4-H Show, and Maryland State Fair 4-H Show.  Please contact April at if you have only commercial breeding animals that need to be tagged.  

If you have any questions, please contact April via email at



Livestock Auction

Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Auction

July 26, 2025

Livestock Sale Facts Sheet

Maryland State Fair 4-H Cooking Demo


Maryland State Fair Logo

Maryland State Fair

August 21-24, August 28-September 1, and September 4-7, 2025.

4-Hers can enter and exhibit their projects, and participate in contests and 4-H activities.  This is a state-wide event for 4-H youth across Maryland.

Maryland State Fair Website

Maryland State Fair Facebook

Hatching Chick

The Cecil County 4-H In-School and Community Outreach Program provides local, formal and non-formal, educators with the opportunity to bring 4-H into their existing program or classroom. Cecil County 4-H offers the opportunities to utilize research based curriculum, focused on giving youth hands-on, experiential learning opportunities!

The 4-H Mission and Vision is to empower youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults and to see a world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change. The learn-by-doing method of 4-H allows for youth to become productive, contributing, leaders in their community. By bringing 4-H school enrichment into the classroom, youth begin to develop inquiry, strengthen their communication skills, become involved in real life, hands-on activities, and learn to work together cooperatively with their peers and adult mentors.

Programs are delivered through different methods including train-the-trainer, educational kits that can be signed out, and programs taught by staff or volunteers. For a description of the program delivery methods and a current listing and description of Cecil County 4-H In School and Community Outreach Programs view the School Enrichment and Program Handbook.

School Enrichment Program Handbook

Interested in more information on this program?  Contact April Barczewski,, 410.996.8134.

Horse Judging

Judging provides opportunities for 4-H members to participate in and learn the skills of decision-making and oral reasons (justification) of placements.  Current judging opportunities include the areas of dairy, livestock, poultry and egg, rabbit, horse, goat, horticulture and wildlife.

Visit the individual animal tab on our Animal Science Information page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.


4-h Youth Visit Campus Greenhouse

Judging horticulture can be challenging, but it is a skill that can be learned. Cecil 4-H offers occasional workshops, classes and trainings for 4-Hers to learn how to identify plant species, note qualities of different plants, and assign a score to those plants during judging practices and judging competitions every Spring and Summer.

Visit the Project Areas and Curriculum page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.

Life Skills photo

Life Skills Classes

6:30-7:30 PM

Cecil County Farm Museum, 820 Appleton Rd, Elkton, MD 21921

The classes will be fun, engaging, and informational where youth can learn important skills needed for success. You do not have to attend all the class topics.  Please register by noon the day prior to each scheduled class so that enough supplies can be gathered and materials prepared in advance. These classes are open to enrolled Cecil County 4-Hers (ages 8-18 as of 1/1 of the current year).

For current Life Skills class offerings, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.

Register Online

National 4-H Week (October 5-11, 2025) provides an opportunity to increase public awareness and understanding of the 4-H program.  It is held the first full week of October.  

Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl is similar to the game show "Jeopardy" except all questions are project-related.  4-H members are able to participate in and learn many facts and information about their projects.  Current quiz bowl opportunities include dairy, horse and dog projects. 

Visit the individual tab on our Animal Science Information page, Project Areas and Curriculum page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.


4-H Record Book

4-H Record Books are a way 4-Hers learn to keep records, learn about project related finances, evaluate their past accomplishments, and organize their thoughts.  Youth are recognized for goal achievements, their leadership given to local club or county activities, and community service projects they have been involved in.  They are awarded for their accomplishments at the annual 4-H Achievement Night.

All Cecil 4-H recordkeeping forms and resources can be found on the Google Drive at Cecil 4-H Recordkeeping Resource Documents.  Both Word and PDF versions are available.

Cecil 4-H All-Stars Scholarship

The Cecil County 4-H All-Stars awards a select number of book scholarships to 4-Hers who are 4-H members and plan to enroll in, or are enrolled in, a 2 or 4-year college or technical school.  Check during early Spring for more application information.

Cecil 4-H All Stars Scholarship Application/Information

Cecil County Farm Bureau Scholarships

Cecil County Farm Bureau has scholarship opportunities available! There are four $2,500 scholarships - two Ray Mueller Scholarships and two Steve Carson Young Farmers Scholarships. Scholarships are open to any graduate or graduating high school senior that has been accepted to an accredited institution as an undergraduate or who is currently enrolled in post-graduate courses.  Applicants must be the child of a Farm Bureau member.  Visit their website for more information.


Cecil Soil Conservation District Office Scholarships for Cecil County Students

Cecil Soil Conservation District (CSCD) offers three scholarships.  These three scholarships are in honor of past District Board Members in recognition of the time they served providing the community with Information, Education, and Technical Assistance in conserving the county’s natural resources.  The Cecil Soil Conservation District is honored to contribute to three student’s secondary education goals and give back to the agricultural community across our county.  For information on eligibility and the application process, visit the CSCD website at:  


Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship applications are due by June 15th for the Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships.   All applicants must have participated in Maryland 4-H for 2 years and be pursuing a post-secondary degree or certification. Visit the Maryland 4-H Foundation Website for all the details at


4-H Youth in Action Awards



The primary objective of a Skillathon Contest is to provide an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of animal science and management in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail.

Visit the individual tab on our Animal Science Information page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.

Space, robotics, shark heart, engineering

4‑H STEM programs provide youth with opportunities to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through hands-on projects that incorporate each of these four elements into the activities our educators and volunteers lead. STEM has always been part of 4-H’s history, as it has been providing hands-on learning opportunities for youth that incorporate science, engineering, and technology for over 100 years!

Visit the Maryland 4-H Youth Development STEM webpage for more information on STEM.

The curriculum for AGsploration: The Science of Maryland Agriculture has reached more than 50,000 Maryland youth since 2010, and more than 500 teachers have been trained to utilize the curriculum.  More information about AGsploration can be found at  Career AGsperience is an agriculture career literacy program.  More information about AGsploration and Career AGsperience can be found at Career AGsperience.  


Winterfest offers a fun opportunity for 4-H youth to select one-hour classes in which they have an interest.  Winterfest is held annually on the Sunday after the Achievement Night (March) program.

For more information on this year's Winterfest event, visit our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page.