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Updated: June 21, 2024

Composting (FS-2023-0687)

Composting is an aerobic biological process that transforms organic materials, such as manure, food waste, and yard waste, into a nutrient-rich soil conditioner called “compost.” This Factsheet is part of the “Animal Waste Technology” series. Authors: Amro Hassanein, Stephanie Lansing, and Danielle Delp; Title: Composting (FS-2023-0687).
Updated: June 18, 2024

Anaerobic Digestion (EBR-2023-0686)

Anerobic digestion uses natural microorganisms to produce renewable energy in the form of electricity, heating, or vehicle fuel. Anaerobic digestion occurs inside a sealed reactor called a digester and reduces odors and greenhouse gas emissions. This Fact Sheet is part of the ‘Animal Waste Technology’ series. Authors: Amro Hassanein, Stephanie Lansing, and Danielle Delp; Title: Anaerobic Digestion (EBR-2023-0686).
Updated: June 18, 2024

Environmental Justice in Agricultural Waste Management (EBR-2023-0690)

This fact sheet introduces environmental justice and describes how vulnerable communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, are impacted by the introduction of new waste management technology across Maryland's Eastern Shore. Author's: Eric Burnstein, Mimi Sanford, Priscilla Alves, Higor Costa, and Marccus Hendricks; Title: Environmental Justice in Agricultural Waste Management (EBR-2023-0690).