Cultivate Baltimore: Hand-scale farm tools at Strength to Love 2 in Baltimore, City, August 15, 2019
Updated: March 23, 2021

I want to start a farm. Where should I start?

The University of Maryland Extension has a website devoted to supporting beginning farmers. Within that website, I would suggest starting with the Beginning Farmer Success Guidebook and the Starting a Farm Enterprise in Maryland Checklist.

UMD Extension also offers several multi-week in-person trainings for beginning farmers. A series based at the Baltimore County Extension Office is called "Starting a small, intensive, commercial farm for local markets" and is offered in partnership with Future Harvest CASA. A series offered in Baltimore City specifically for urban farmers is done in partnership with Farm Alliance of Baltimore and Real Food Farm and is called "Cultivate Baltimore." Keep an eye out for those on the Events Calendar.

Different cities and towns have different policies on urban agriculture. The first place to start to learn about local policies on urban agriculture is usually your local zoning department. In Baltimore City, the Baltimore Office of Sustainability has a lot of helpful information on their Urban Agriculture website. In Prince George's County, Bloomin PGC has information about local urban agriculture policies.

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