lavender flowers of native Joe Pye weed plants

Eutrochium fistulosum flowers. Photo: Karan A. Rawlins, University of Georgia,

Updated: March 6, 2023

About hollow Joe Pye weed

Eutrochium fistulosum
Synonomous with Eupatorium fistulosum, Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus
Perennial forb
Daisy Family

Maryland Distribution: Moist to wet soils of sunny meadows throughout Maryland.
Height: 6 feet and sometimes up to 9 feet
Blooms: July to September
Sun: Full sun to part sun
Soil: Any texture or pH as long as the soil is moist or wet

Garden Use & Maintenance: Clouds of lavender blossoms and stout, purple stems make this an excellent specimen plant. It's also great in rain gardens, native meadows, and pollinator gardens. An excellent alternative for the invasive butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii). Hollow Joe Pye weed, New York ironweed, and grass-leaf goldenrod make a stunning lavender-purple-yellow garden combination.

Wildlife: Large flowering domes provide a huge surface over which a wide array of pollinators spend their summer hours sipping on nectar and basking in the sun. Hollow joepyeweed is a great choice for those who love to photograph pollinators. Deer often assault the plant in May or June, leaving it tattered as if hit by a weed whacker. Under mild to moderate deer pressure, the plant recovers quickly and the overall effect is a more compact but just as beautiful plant.

Additional resource

Publications for Gardeners | Maryland Native Plant Society

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