Showing 191-200 of 379 publications
Updated: January 19, 2021
Solar Arrays & Maryland’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) Application Process
Solar arrays are becoming an increasingly familiar sight all over Maryland. In 2017, for the first time, solar power in Maryland exceeded the combined electricity generation from both biomass and wind power. Agricultural landowners often decide to install solar panels to off-set their personal and business electricity usage. Solar developers also approach agricultural landowners about leasing farmland to install utility-scale solar energy generating stations (SEGS).
Updated: January 8, 2021
Creating Opportunities to Reach Underserved Communities: Making Connections via Outreach, Networking, and Partnerships
Maryland is considered “America in miniature.” Like many other states in the country, Maryland represents a very diverse area in terms of landscape, climate, culture and inhabitants. For decades, 4-H has been an organization that has recognized the diversity of not only Maryland but all states and has provided youth development programs that evolve to meet the needs of the ever changing society (Figure 1, Junge 2006). Although deeply rooted in an agricultural foundation, 4-H has broadened its scope in recent years to provide developmental support for youth in non-farm based rural, urban and suburban areas. Historically, these areas have been considered “underserved.” According to Junge (2000), an underserved area is one where 4-H is not currently serving the community. This could be based on demographics, geographic location or resource availability (ex. income, transportation, employment status, etc).. This publication will share strategies that can be used to create opportunities to reach underserved communities using needs based outreach, networks and partnerships.
Updated: June 28, 2022
4-H Adventure in Science Program and the Power of Partnership
Adventure In Science is a partnership between the University of Maryland Extension and AIS Inc. It is a science based hands-on educational program reaching about 330 youth ages 8-14 in Montgomery County. The program is provided at six locations managed by organizational leaders and instructors. Parents and other volunteers help teach an interactive 2-3 hours sessions every Saturday for 18 weeks.
Updated: January 26, 2021
Preparing 4-Hers for Interview Success
Interviewing can be intimidating and stressful but teaching 4-Hers essential skills in this area will help them be successful. This publication provides youth development professionals with a resource when teaching 4-Hers about interviewing for teen leadership positions, Out of State trip interviews, and employment. Additionally, this publication can be a tool directly provided to 4-H youth who are planning to interview.
Updated: January 22, 2021
Oyster Aquaculture Production Systems
Oyster aquaculture in Maryland is carried out using both traditional bottom leases as well as newer water column leases that utilize containment gear to produce single oysters. This manual describes the different types of production methods that can be used to build an aquaculture business and is designed to help prospective growers choose a method as well as equipment that will result in the production of high quality shellfish.
Updated: January 22, 2021
Nutrient Credit Trading Could Expand Maryland Oyster Aquaculture
Researchers from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) conducted a study to evaluate the potential effect of nutrient credit trading on the growth and profitability of Maryland’s aquaculture industry. Nutrient credit trading is a market approach to lowering the cost of meeting the pollution caps that have been established to restore aquatic habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. Oyster aquaculture producers are eligible to sell credits in this emerging market, which creates the potential for economic and environmental benefits.
Updated: May 4, 2022
Hops Production in Maryland: 2017-2018 Hops Trial Growing Season Report and Best Management Practices
This publication details what we have learned from the University of Maryland hops project and includes current production recommendations for growing hops in Maryland. This is a multi-year study and partnership with Flying Dog Brewery that started in 2016.
Updated: January 11, 2022
How to Use and Calibrate Your Food Thermometer
Cooking food to a safe minimal temperature, using a food thermometer is an important behavior to reduce foodborne illness among consumers. However, data from FDA observed 67% of consumers owning a food thermometer, and this has not changed in 10 years. Using a food thermometer all the time for roasts, poultry, and hamburgers can range between 10-38%. This fact sheet helps address how to safely calibrate a food thermometer, and hot to best store and use it to keep the meals Marylander's prepare less risky.
Updated: February 12, 2025
How to Build a Miniature Refrigerator for Nutrition & Food Safety Demonstrations (EBR-48)
This Fact sheet is to show educators how to recycle plastic or foam board into an educational tool, that can be used for nutrition and food safety purposes. Authors: Shauna C. Henley and Trish Moore; Title: How to Build a Miniature Refrigerator for Nutrition & Food Safety Demonstrations (EBR-48).
Updated: October 6, 2022
Considerations for Acquiring a Farm: Selecting the Best Farm Property (FS-1094)
A successful farm operation requires thoughtful property selection, whether you are leasing or purchasing land. When looking at properties, you need to consider how the property will support the goals in your business plan. Will the farm be productive? Will the location and regulatory environment fit into your marketing strategies, or can you adjust your strategies to suit your income needs? Is the price of the farm reasonable and realistic given your financial goals? Are there any zoning, covenant, easement, or plat restrictions that might prevent you from producing or selling what you want, where you want? Authors: Ben Beale, Greg Bowen, Paul Goeringer, and Margaret Todd; Title: Considerations for Acquiring a Farm: Selecting the Best Farm Property (FS-1094)