Showing 171-180 of 379 publications
Updated: January 20, 2021
Maryland 4-H Requirements and Tools for Exhibiting 4-H Sheep Projects
When preparing to show livestock in 4-H it can be overwhelming at times with the rules and guidelines that are found within the Maryland 4-H program and specifically in your individual county. If you take the time to read over the rules and guidelines and have open communication with your 4-H Extension Educator, 4-H Sheep Department Superintendents and your Club Leader it becomes an easier process to ensure a positive experience.
Updated: January 20, 2021
Maryland 4-H Requirements and Tools for Exhibiting 4-H Meat Goat Projects
When preparing to show livestock in 4-H it can be overwhelming at times with the rules and guidelines that are found within the Maryland 4-H program and specifically in your individual county. If you take the time to read over the rules and guidelines and have open communication with your 4-H Extension Educator, 4-H Meat Goat Department Superintendents and your Club Leader it becomes an easier process to ensure a positive experience.
Updated: January 22, 2021
Maryland 4-H Requirements and Tools for Exhibiting 4-H Beef Projects
When preparing to show livestock in 4-H it can be overwhelming at times with the rules and guidelines that are found within the Maryland 4-H program and specifically in your individual county. If you take the time to read over the rules and guidelines and have open communication with your 4-H Extension Educator, 4-H Beef Department Superintendents and your Club Leader it becomes an easier process to ensure a positive experience.
Updated: August 16, 2023
Hatching Eggs at Home (FS-1114)
Hatching eggs at home can be a rewarding way to increase the size of your flock, while teaching family and friends about embryology. While chicken eggs are the most common eggs to hatch, eggs from other species can be incubated as well. As always, before starting a hatching project, make sure you have everything in place to take care of the chicks when they hatch and that you comply with all state and local laws. Authors: Jonathan Moyle, Maegan Perdue, Dr. Tom Tabler, Dr. Shawna Weimer, and Jennifer Rhodes; Title: Hatching Eggs at Home (FS-1114)
Updated: May 1, 2024
Understanding Credit And Credit Reports (FS-1115)
If you ever plan to take out a loan or you currently owe money to another party, you need to understand credit and credit reports. Credit is the ability of a borrower to receive something (often money) in exchange to return the money to the lender at a later point in time. For example, when you buy a car, a bank (lender) provides the money to you (borrower). In exchange, the lender charges you interest. The interest charged is determined by several factors based upon your credit report. Therefore, it is important for you to monitor your credit report. Let’s take a minute to provide greater insight on credit and credit reports. Author: Jesse Ketterman, and Patricia Maynard; Title: Understanding Credit and Credit Reports (FS-1115).
Updated: June 4, 2024
The Right Tree for Your Lawn-Planting Trees to Help Improve Chesapeake Bay Water Quality (FS-1029)
Trees provide life-giving oxygen and food, regulate temperatures, sequester carbon, and yield raw materials for building. Trees also are a source of simple beauty and they utilize nutrients as they grow. If you look at the cost of buying and maintaining trees, they are a pretty good bargain when it comes to improving water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. When selecting trees for their property, a homeowner should consider intended function (privacy screening, shade, etc.), budget, size and the quantity of trees needed. This report also provides important information about how to plant, water, fertilize and mulch trees to ensure that they continue to thrive and contribute to the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Authors: Erick Buehl, Jennifer Dindinger, Amanda Rockler, Jacqueline Takas, and Krisztian Varsa; Title: The Right Tree for Your Lawn-Planting Trees to Help Improve Chesapeake Bay Water Quality (FS-1029).
Updated: January 29, 2021
Seven Steps to Writing Journal Articles
Writing for professional journals is a learned skill that takes practice to excel. This fact sheet will share seven general steps to help emerging authors to begin grooming their academic writing skills.
Updated: June 14, 2024
Pollinator Friendly Plant Production 2: Controlling Insect Pests (FS-1095)
This fact sheet provides information on methods and materials to reduce pest insect damage in the greenhouse without harming pollinators. It discusses using natural enemies, such as beneficial insects and microbes and reduced toxicity sprays with short residual activity. The focus is on native plants, which support insect life. Authors: Sara Tangren and Stanton Gill; Title: Pollinator Friendly Plant Production 2: Controlling Insect Pests (FS-1095)
Updated: July 29, 2022
With Buildings Preparing to Reopen, It’s Time to Think About Stagnant Water and Health Risks (EBR 2020-0542)
This is an infographic increasing awareness of potential water quality and health risks (lead, copper, and Legionella bacteria) associated with reopening buildings that have been closed for an extended period. Authors: Andrew Lazur and Rachel Rosenberg Goldstein; Title: Think About Stagnant Water and Health Risks (EBR 2020-0542)
Updated: March 29, 2021
Kids Growing with Grains Virtual Field Trip
Thank you for your interest in the Kids Growing with Grains Virtual Field Trip. In each section, you will find two to three lessons to assign your students. You can choose any of the lessons. You do not need to do them in any particular order or use all of the lessons. Please pick those lessons that are best for you and your students.