Showing 231-240 of 379 publications
Updated: May 19, 2022
Developing Extension Lesson Plans: Using a 4-H Youth Development Lesson Plan Template to Strengthen the Rigor and Quality of Research-based 4-H Programs (FS-1060)
4-H Youth Development educators use a variety of program education models to engage youth and volunteers in experiential learning. 4-H educators often develop and/or adapt research-based lessons and curricula to facilitate youth development programs. The use of a standardized lesson template can enhance consistency and increase efficiency in delivering quality programs. Additionally, a peer review process can be used to increase the rigor and research-based content of University of Maryland Extension (UME) developed programs. This resource is a support piece to assist educators through utilizing the UME lesson plan template and submitting their resource through the peer review process. Author: Dr. Nia Imani Fields; Title: Developing Extension Lesson Plans: Using a 4-H Youth Development Lesson Plan Template to Strengthen the Rigor and Quality of Research-based 4-H Programs (FS-1060)
Updated: January 20, 2021
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Recognition and Response in 4-H Programming
This fact sheet introduces readers to the findings of the landmark ACEs study conducted by the CDC and the Kaiser Foundation. Warning signs of excessive adversity and the strategies that youth development practitioners may employ to promote resiliency are detailed.
Updated: January 12, 2021
A Mindfulness-based Approach in Reducing Stress
Stress is a universal phenomenon. It is crucial for the human existence as it helps us prepare for the challenges and threats of daily life. However, chronic exposure to stress can deeply impact our health and wellbeing. Hence it is important to manage daily stresses. Mindfulness is one of the key practices that can help reduce daily stresses and create a more positive impact on our wellbeing.
This publication is the second publication of the series. Stress Management and Mindfulness. It illustrates the fundamentals of mindfulness practice and its impact on stress and overall health. It also, recommends several resources and simple activities that can be used to be more mindful in everyday life.
Updated: January 26, 2021
Permeable Hardscapes
Permeable hardscapes help manage stormwater (surface water from heavy rains or snow) and are an alternative to hard surfaces. Materials used as permeable hardscapes allow stormwater to seep into the ground (permeate) rather than pool in low spots or run off into storm drains or local streams. This Extension Brief is meant to provide the property owner with information about selecting permeable hardscapes. Installation should be performed by an experienced, certified contractor.
Updated: January 20, 2021
Manure to Energy Byproducts are Useful Nutrient Sources
Manure is a great fertilizer for nutrient-poor soils. However, when transport costs limit utilization, alternative uses such as energy production become viable. In most cases, manure-to-energy practices produce nutrient-rich byproducts that can be used as a soil amendment. While nitrogen (N) may be lost, other nutrients like phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are often more concentrated in these byproducts. Manure-to-energy practices include anaerobic digestion and thermal methods (pyrolysis, gasification). Composting and nutrient extraction also can alter manure and help concentrate nutrients for easier and less costly transport. The nutrient value of these byproducts is discussed.
Updated: July 7, 2022
Considerations for Equine Lease Agreements (FS-1062)
Offering a horse for lease can be a good option for an owner who is unable to ride or care for their horse due to physical, time, or financial constraints but still wishes to maintain ownership. A lease can be an alternative to selling the horse, a way to cut maintenance costs, or an avenue to ensure the horse remains in work. An equine lease can take many forms, depending on how the lease agreement is constructed. This publication includes information on the factors to consider when preparing or reviewing a written lease agreement, as well as case studies that describe the terms of the leases. Authors: Sara BhaduriHauck and Paul Goeringer; Title: Considerations for Equine Lease Agreements (FS-1062)
Updated: January 8, 2021
Enterprise Budget for Firewood Business
This information sheet provides an enterprise budget for a small business that will buy, cut and split logs, and deliver in cord quantities, primarily for home heating or fireplace wood. It includes sources of income and expenses using real work values and a downloadable Excel file allows the user to change values for their potential enterprises and determine potential profitability.
Updated: July 27, 2022
Farm Data: Ownership and Protections (FS-1055)
The issue of farm data has been a contentious point of debate with respect to ownership rights and impacts when access rights are misappropriated. One of the leading questions farmers ask deals with the protections provided to farm data. Although no specific laws or precedence exists, the possibility of trade secret is examined and ramifications for damages discussed. Farm management examples are provided to emphasize the potential outcomes of each possible recourse for misappropriating farm data. Authors: Ashley C. Ellixson and Terry Griffin; Title: Farm Data: Ownership and Protections (FS-1055)
Updated: February 2, 2021
Stress and Health
We usually associate “stress” with overpowering emotions and out of control situations. It is true in most cases, however, it is not the whole truth. Stress is a body’s response to a change. It helps in preparing for uncertainty and urgent situations. However, chronic exposure to stress can lead to burn- out, chronic diseases, mental health issues, and lower productivity. This publication helps reflect on the positive and negative aspects of stress. It explains the physiology of stress and how to cope with it in a simple fashion. It also highlights daily activities that can be implemented to reduce everyday stresses.
This publication is a first of a series, stress management and mindfulness. The goal of these publications is to empower readers on facets of stress that can be managed on day- to- day basis using techniques of mindfulness. The publications are formulated to build knowledge from the very basic understanding of stress to coping with stress at work, family settings, and schools.
Updated: January 15, 2021
Maryland 4-H Leaders Club Financial Handbook
4-H Clubs are open to all youth without regard to race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.