Program Information & Resources

4-H activities and events are planned to support the learning of 4-H members. They provide hands on opportunities for youth to learn new skills and evaluate their progress towards achieving established goals. Many activities allow 4-H members to showcase their knowledge and skills to the public and provide recognition to the 4-H member and to the 4-H program. 4-H offers a combination of cooperative and competitive events; an opportunity to participate on club, county, regional, state, national and international levels.

4-H activities and events offered in Kent County include, but are not limited to:

  • 4-H Shows, Fairs and other 4-H Exhibitions
  • Camp - Day and Residential
  • Communication Contests - Public Speaking, Demonstrations
  • Engineering Events
  • Environmental Science
  • Fashion Revue
  • Hands-On Animal Science Classes
  • In-School & Out-of-School Program
  • Judging - Dairy, Dairy Goat, Horse, Horticulture, Livestock, Forestry, Poultry & Egg, Rabbit
  • National 4-H Week Promotion
  • Out of State Leadership Trips
  • Quiz Bowls - Dairy, Dog, Horse
  • Recognition Events - Achievement Night
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Shooting Sports Events - Archery, Shotgun
  • Skillathons - Dairy, Dog, Horse (Hippology), Livestock

Programs in Kent County

Male goat

Animal Science Project Information, Resources, and Forms

Visit our Animal Science Information webpage for detailed information on animal projects, resources and forms specific to Kent County.

Maryland 4-H Animal Science resources can be found on their website.
4H community service

Community Service, such as collecting food and clothing, as well as park clean-ups, is an important part of the 4-H program.  Youth and clubs are encouraged to participate in activities that benefit the community.  In addition, youth that record their hours and submit them are recognized for their service.

You can participate on behalf of a community, religious, and/or youth organization. It can be an individual effort or with a group such as a school-based service learning project. This can include club projects, community events, fair activities, and 4-H Camp services. Examples of community service include:  singing at nursing homes, gathering supplies for the troops, volunteering at a local hospital, purchasing items for those in need, and anything that benefits the community for those who are not as fortunate.

Things that do not count are fundraisers, unless all the proceeds are given to an organization like the American Cancer Society or the local homeless shelter that helps others, as long as neither you nor your 4-H club are benefiting from the service.

As a reminder, teaching youth citizenship is one of the core goals of the 4-H program, so each club should be doing at least two community service activities annually. Hours must be completed during the calendar year.  Use the 4-H Volunteer Service Award Record to track your service hours. 

Do not attach the 4-H Volunteer Service Award Record in your Record Book, it might get overlooked.


4-Her speaking at podium

Demonstrations & Communications Events provide opportunities for 4-H youth, who are encouraged to give a demonstration, or talk about their 4-H projects.  The county contest is held in February or March, with other events throughout the year.

Public Speaking - Making a Great Speech

Diamond Clover

Diamond Clover Award is a 6-level award to encourage members to engage in a variety of projects and activities, thus enabling them to acquire the skills that will help them lead successful lives as competent, caring and contributing citizens  A new level can be achieved annually.

You can start planning now to complete a level by completing your diamond clover plan.

To be recognized for completing Levels 1-5 (Only one level will be recognized annually) of the Diamond Clover Award, completed reports are due by January 31st.  Due to current in person programming restrictions, forms submitted will not require leaders/volunteer signatures.

Diamond Level 6 plans (including the community service project plan) are due on September 15th to the Kent County Extension Office for review and approved plans are due September 30th to the State 4-H Online portal for completion the following year.

Maryland 4-H Youth Development Website


Kent County Fair

July 17-20, 2024

4-H Fair & Safety Orientation:  All 4-H families are asked to hold the date of Wednesday, July 10, 2024 on your calendar, for the 2024 All Club Clean-Up and Fair Prep Night.  It is extremely important that families attend this event, so please mark your calendars now. 

Kent County Fair Website

Kent County Fair Facebook


State Fair Market Lambs

Maryland State Fair

August 22-25, 2024; August 29-September 2, 2024; and September 5-8, 2024

Maryland State Fair is an 11-day event that is held the last week of August and continues through Labor Day.  4-Hers can enter and exhibit their projects, and participate in contests and 4-H activities.  This is a state-wide event for 4-H youth across Maryland.

Maryland State Fair Website

Maryland State Fair Facebook


Horse Judging

Judging provides opportunities for 4-H members to participate in and learn the skills of decision-making and oral reasons (justification) of placements.  Current judging opportunities include the areas of dairy, livestock, poultry and egg, rabbit, horse, goat, horticulture and forestry.

Visit the individual animal tab on our Animal Science Information page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.


Hort 4H


Visit the Project Areas and Curriculum page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.

4-H week

National 4-H Week provides an opportunity to increase public awareness and understanding of the 4-H program.  It is held the first full week of October.  The National 4-H Science experiment is held one evening during National 4-H Week. 

Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl is similar to the game show "Jeopardy" except all questions are project-related.  4-H members are able to participate in and learn many facts and information about their projects.  Quiz bowl opportunities include dairy, horse and dog projects. 

Visit the individual tab on our Animal Science Information page, Project Areas and Curriculum page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.

4-H Record Book

4-H Record Books are a way 4-Hers learn to keep records, evaluate their past accomplishments, and organize their thoughts.  Youth are recognized for goal achievements, their leadership given to local club or county activities, and community service projects they have been involved in. 

All Maryland 4-H recordkeeping forms and resources can be found on the Maryland 4-H Youth Development website.

  • Maryland Summary Record & Project Record Sheet can be found on the Maryland 4-H Youth Development Families webpage (under 4-H Youth Forms & Resources tab).


  • Animal Science Project Records can be found on the Maryland 4-H Youth Development Animal Sciences webpage (under Animal Science Resources tab; scroll down to Animal Science Project Records).
GC 4-H

Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship applications will be available soon for the Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships. All applicants must have participated in Maryland 4-H for 2 years and be pursuing a post-secondary degree or certification. Visit the Maryland 4-H Foundation Website for all the details at back in the Spring of 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year.


4-H Youth in Action Awards



The primary objective of a Skillathon Contest is to provide an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of animal science and management in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail.

Visit the individual tab on our Animal Science Information page, and/or our Upcoming 4-H Activities and Events page, for information on current and upcoming events.

4-H science

4‑H STEM programs provide youth with opportunities to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through hands-on projects that incorporate each of these four elements into the activities our educators and volunteers lead. STEM has always been part of 4-H’s history, as it has been providing hands-on learning opportunities for youth that incorporate science, engineering, and technology for over 100 years!

Visit the Maryland 4-H Youth Development STEM webpage for more information on STEM.

The curriculum for AGsploration: The Science of Maryland Agriculture has reached more than 48,000 Maryland residents since 2010, and more than 500 teachers have been trained to utilize the curriculum.