Confidence Grows Here

Thinking about joining 4-H, but not sure what it's all about?  Not sure if 4-H is for you?

4-H took root over a century ago by empowering youth to lead. Lead with confidence and strength, with the curiosity to question and capability to find answers, with the grit to get the job done and humble pride to make sure it’s done right. Most of all, these youth understand that giving back can move an entire community forward. These are the young people that we call True Leaders. And at 4-H, we understand that True Leaders aren’t born, they’re grown.

America is facing a critical need for more leaders – true leaders – prepared with the skills to deal with the problems of today and the challenges of tomorrow.  Every child has the potential to be a true leader. 4-H gives young people experiences – where they can learn by doing, grow from failure, express their ideas, and lead. We tap into their potential and empower them to become true leaders. 

The Kent County 4-H program continues to teach youth skills, preparing them for the future as they follow our motto “To Make the Best Better.”

The mission of 4-H is to teach youth citizenship, leadership, and life skills so that they develop into competent, caring, compassionate, and contributing citizens. Our 4-H youth attend local club meetings, participate in educational activities, and work with 4-H projects throughout the year.

Even though the 4-H program is traditionally agriculture based, today's 4-H programming reaches across a wide variety of youth interests, from archery to horses, to horticulture, to robotics, to public speaking; and youth do not have to live on a farm or own an animal to be involved in 4-H.  Currently the program offers over 80 different project areas, with main focuses in the areas of STEM, Agriculture, Healthy Living, and Civic Engagement.

The Maryland 4-H Family Guide helps you learn more about 4-H and how to help your child have a positive experience in 4-H. Use this booklet as a tool to familiarize yourself with the 4-H youth development program.

Currently, Kent County has general interest* and special interest** clubs open for youth enrollment. 4-H is open to all youth ages 5-18 as of January 1st of the current year, and 4-Hers can choose from over 80 different project areas. General Clubs are for children ages 8-18 and Clover Clubs are for children ages 5-7.  We are sure that you and your family will find Kent County 4-H to be an enjoyable and educational experience.















Bits and Bridles** Horse

Kent Ag Center &

other locations

3rd Weds


7:00 PM Jaime Orndorff


Kent Clover Calf*

General interest,

livestock and


Kennedyville UM Church 2nd Weds 7:00 PM Jennifer Debnam 410-708-4923

Kent Fuzzy Tails and

Shiny Scales**

Rabbits and

Small Pets

Galena Park Pavilion

Kennedyville UM Church (winter)

3rd Weds

6:30 PM

Sarah Merrell

Sherri Spray



Kent Puppy Pals** Dogs

Running W Kennel, Worton

Radcliffe Creek School (winter)


3rd & 4th Weds


6:30 PM

6:30 PM

Bert & Jim Lindauer




Kent 4-H Triple Shots**

Shooting Sports



Shooting Sports



Shooting Sports


(Contact Club Leader) 

Kent County Gun Club Sudlersville Skeet Club

Cypress Creek Archery,

Millington DE (winter)

Kent Ag Center (summer/fall)




2nd Sunday

4th Sunday


1st & 3rd Sundays


1st & 3rd Sundays







3:00 PM



4:00-6:00 PM




Russ Parson 

Shirley Baker

Don Seago

Andy Simmons








Junior Leadership Council


Club Officers and Youth Leaders -

        Leadership and Service

Extension Office Tuesday 7:00 PM 4-H Educator 443-480-8498
Nature After School Environmental Science

Kent County Public Library

Yellow Building


1st & 3rd Monday

3:40 PU @

Garnet Elem

during school year

4:00 PM

Jenny Freebery

Beth Hill



Spring header for virtual activity clubs

UME 4-H is offering short-term virtual summer activity clubs! Clubs will run for six to eight sessions, one hour each session. We’re going to have fun with hands-on activities while creating new friendships. As always, youth will make rich connections with peers and caring adults in a safe, inclusive environment while in 4-H! We’ll share our knowledge and passion for some of our favorite topics and hope members come ready to participate as our meetings will be very interactive!  These 4-H clubs are virtual statewide 4-H clubs that meet via Zoom.  Youth are members in their home county.  

More Information

Clover 4-H

A 4-H hands-on program for youth ages 5-7 years old to explore their world, learn character and cooperation, and begin to serve others.  Program meets at varying times. Contact the Kent County Extension Office, 410-778-1661, for dates, times, locations, and topics. 

If you are currently not enrolled in Kent County 4-H, check out our 4-H Newsletter to find out what's happening in our 4-H program.  The 4-H Newsletter is sent from the UME Kent County Office to each family enrolled in a 4-H club.  The newsletter informs members and their families of upcoming events and deadlines for major activities.  The newsletter contains only brief pertinent information and announcements, so attending local club meetings and project groups are very important to obtain all details.

Kent County 4-H Newsletter

Want more information on what Kent 4-H has to offer? 

Request Information

Ready to Join?  Click Here

4-H Grows Here