Cover Crops

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Updated: July 23, 2024

An Overview of Drones in Agriculture (FS-2024-0705)

Drones, or UAVs, require a mix of hardware and software to operate and are controlled by ground stations. They offer numerous benefits in agriculture, such as precise crop monitoring, efficient resource management, and data collection. Challenges include high costs, certification requirements, and data interpretation. Key applications include crop scouting, spraying, seeding, yield estimation, and disease assessment. Despite challenges, ongoing research aims to maximize benefits and minimize limitations, promising a significant impact on agriculture. Authors: Hemendra Kumar and Ananth Sriram; Title: An Overview of Drones in Agriculture (FS-2024-0705).
Updated: April 15, 2024

Introduction to Growing Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic (FS-2023-0692)

Cover crops are crops planted for a primary purpose other than harvest. They are often grown during the time when the primary or harvested crop is not growing. Cover crops can be grown for a variety of agronomic and environmental purposes. However, the effect of cover crops on subsequent cash crops and the environment will vary depending on how intentionally and effectively they are managed to achieve those purposes. Cover crop species and mixtures, timing and growth window, termination, and the effect of cover crops on subsequent crops should all be considered when planning and implementing cover crop systems. Author: Sarah M. Hirsh; Title: Introduction to Growing Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic (FS-2023-0692).