October - 2022

Biosecurity: Review and Tightening Up! HPAI On Delmarva Again...Still
Two Kent County Backyard Flocks Test Presumptive Positive for Avian Influenza
UPDATE Preliminary testing of two non-poultry backyard flocks in Kent County, Del., has returned presumptive positive H5 avian influenza from the University of Delaware’s Lasher Laboratory in Georgetown, part of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network. Additional samples have been sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory for further confirmation. State officials have quarantined all affected premises, and birds on the properties have been depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease. Read more>>

Broiler Grower Settlement Forms Arriving to Mid-Atlantic Growers: Background on the Class Action
The Mid-Atlantic region’s poultry growers may have started to receive settlement forms recently for broiler grower class action lawsuit settlement. Growers might be surprised to receive this form in the mail and may have questions on what the class action was about. If you have questions about the settlement process, please check out the website for the litigation here, which includes many important deadlines for broiler growers. Read more>>
On August 16, over 40 people came to tour the new, recently-opened, MDA Animal Diagnostic Laboratories on Nanticoke Road in Salisbury, Maryland.
Short talks on Early Clinical Signs of HPAI by State Veterinarians, Drs. Odian and Mondal, and Biosecurity, by Karen Clark (MDA), Jon Moyle and Jenny Rhodes, (UME), while the attendees enjoyed a Chic-fil-A luncheon, provided by our sponsor Horizon Farm Credit, and were given mini tours of the new facility and laboratories.
On Tuesday, Sept. 26, we held the Poultry Farm Management Workshop for New & Existing Growers and filled MDA’s conference room in their new Diagnostic Labs Building. Where, again we were sponsored by Horizon Farm Credit along with the Maryland Farm Bureau.
On October 26, we will be at MDA again and present: "Covering Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones". Register at: https://poultry-legal-issues.eventbrite.com

Another Class Action Filed Claiming Companies Have Miscategorized Contract Growers
Earlier this year, I posted about a recently filed class action lawsuit involving contract poultry growers, arguing that they were employees of Amick Farms and not independent contractors. For anyone needing a refresher on a class action lawsuit, I encourage you to check out that post. Another class action lawsuit filed in Georgia by growers for Perdue argues that growers are employees, not independent contractors. Read more>>
On October 26, we will be in the MDA Building again and present:
“Covering Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones”
Register by October 24 at: https://poultry-legal-issues.eventbrite.com
As always, more poultry information at our University of Maryland Extension/Poultry website: