Financial Empowerment Training, Tools, and Resources

The mission of University of Maryland Extension's Your Money, Your Goals program is to provide financial tools and resources to social workers, human service providers, and community volunteers, along with training on how to use them to help others achieve financial wellness.

Your Money, Your Goals is a set of financial empowerment materials for organizations that help people meet their financial goals by increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources.


What is Financial Empowerment?

Financial empowerment is about having the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage money, use financial services, and protect one’s assets. Empowerment results from education and access to financial products that serve an individual’s needs.

About the Program

The Your Money, Your Goals workshop   helps front line staff, counselors, and volunteers as they work with clients to:

  • Track and manage income and spending

  • Make spending decisions that can help them reach their goals

  • Deal with debt and understand credit reports

  • Order and fix credit reports

  • Avoid tricks and traps as they choose financial products

  • Protect their money

  • Find accounts, cards, loans, and money services that work for them

.…and much more!