Wildlife Management Course Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone. This is a great course for someone who has an interest in wildlife and wildlife management. You don’t have to own property to participate but you do need somewhere to conduct the field work. Although the course targets Maryland landowners and several chapters focus on Maryland, the concepts apply across North America.
No. However, you will need access to property as some assignments, such as plant identification, measuring tree diameters and heights, estimating cover and more are outdoor activities. Furthermore, you will need access to property for designing the framework of a wildlife management plan, a course requirement. If you do not own property, you can use public property such as a park or a friend's land.
The Wildlife Management Course is offered in the spring (February 1-May 15). Registration for the Spring 2021 semester opens November 1, 2020.
The registration fee is $150.00. The registration fee covers all the materials needed for the course, including: text and appendices; lesson quizzes; supplemental readings entitled Wildlife and Timber from Private Lands: A Landowner’s Guide to Planning and Common Native Trees of Virginia Tree Identification Guide.
Credit cards are accepted for payment of the registration fee. To pay the registration fee by credit card, please visit https://2021wildlifecourse.eventbrite.com or contact Taylor Robinson at (410) 827-8056, ext. 135 or by email at taylormr@umd.edu.
You can print the mail-in registration form or provide your name, mailing address, delivery address if PO Box, email address, and phone number. Please mail the registration form, along with your registration fee made out to University of Maryland, to:
Wildlife Management Online Course
Attn: Taylor Robinson
University of Maryland Extension
Wye Research and Education Center
124 Wye Narrows Drive
Queenstown, MD 21658
For more information on course registration, refer to Course Registration Information.
This is a basic wildlife management course and, as such, covers the many aspects of wildlife. Some of the subjects discussed are: ecological concepts, predator-prey relationships, biodiversity, hazards and diseases, habitat assessment techniques, managing forests for wildlife and much more.
The course presents information electronically. The text consists of 28 lessons divided into five units. Over 70 resources are provided in the appendices.
The course has a quiz following each lesson. Answers to the lesson quizzes are submitted electronically. There is also a discussion board. Students will receive a flash drive of the course materials, for use as a reference after the course has ended.
Participants are encouraged to complete the course work in approximately four months.
Every unit is unique and completion time depends upon many variables. Each unit consists of two to ten lessons, and one lesson may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours to read. You may spend an hour on additional reading assignments. Some assignments require outside work, and the time needed to complete these assignments will depend upon prior experience identifying plant species or using forest inventory techniques. For more detail, refer to Course Information.
A schedule is provided for submitting the answers to the unit questions. Participants are given approximately two to three weeks to read a unit, answer the questions, and submit the answers. The instructor corresponds with participants every few weeks to remind them of upcoming deadlines and to provide them with contact information. Participants can also contact the instructor anytime they have questions or concerns. Refer to What if I need help? located below.
No. This is a non-credit course. Quizzes are not graded, but checked for accuracy. Upon completing the work successfully, you will be awarded a certificate of completion.
The course is sponsored by University of Maryland Extension.
No. There are no formal classes. Participants work from the convenience of their home and correspond with the instructor through the postal service, electronic mail, telephone, or some other delivery service.
Students receive a USB flash drive that has the Wildlife Management Course text as well as the appendices. The Discussion Board posts are not included. Students will receive the flash drive at the end of the course.
Log onto University of Maryland Extension web site at http://extension.umd.edu, phone Nancy Stewart at 410-827-8056, ext. 107, or email Nancy at nstewar1@umd.edu.