Spring Semester: February 1 - May 15
The registration fee for the General Forestry Course is $150.00. Registration is not accepted after the course begins.
The registration fee covers all the materials for the course including: electronic text, appendices, and lesson quizzes; paper copies of the supplemental readings Wildlife and Timber from Private Lands: A Landowner’s Guide to Planning and Common Native Trees of Virginia Tree Identification Guide. Students will receive a flash drive of the course text and appendices as a reference for use after the course has ended.
Registration for the Spring 2021 Semester will open on November 1 with the Wildlife Management Course beginning on February 1. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, with class size limited to 30 participants. Registration is available either by filling out a printable registration form or an online registration form https://2021wildlifecourse.eventbrite.com. If neither of these methods is acceptable, contact Taylor Robinson at 410-827-8056, ext. 135.
For payment of the registration fee by check or money order (made payable to University of Maryland), please mail it to the address below. If you have filled out the paper registration form, please include it with your registration fee.
Wildlife Management Course
Attn: Taylor Robinson
University of Maryland Extension
Wye Research and Education Center
PO Box 169
Queenstown, MD 21658
Browsers supported: This link contains all the browsers supported by this online course. Please refer to this page if you are experiencing problems viewing the pages or signing into the course. Flash is required to view the interactive exercises.
Network connection: A broadband network connection such as DSL or cable is recommended for the best performance. The latest satellite upgrade works well also. Mobile phones are a bit slower. You will experience significantly longer loading time with a dial-up connection.
Questions about registration or the course?
Please contact Nancy Stewart, course instructor, by phone at 410.827.8056, ext. 107, or by email at nstewar1@umd.edu.