Savage River, Garrett County, MD
Image credit: Maryland Department of Natural Resources

In 1997-1998, Maryland Cooperative Extension conducted a series of two-day workshops on riparian buffer systems. These workshops included information on stream assessment, groundwater hydrology, nutrient cycling, plant and animal communities, and riparian restoration. Workshop participants were given two notebooks of resource materials - the Chesapeake Bay Riparian Handbook and the Maryland Riparian Buffer Systems Manual. Here we have listed the contents of the Maryland Manual.


Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. An Introduction to the Riparian Forest Buffer. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 724. College Park, MD. 2 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Riparian Buffer Systems. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 733. College Park, MD. 2 pages.

Welsch, D.J. 1991. Riparian Forest Buffers. U.S. Forest Service Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry. Radnor, PA. NA-PR-07-91. 20 pages.

Correll, D.L. 1997. Buffer Zones and Water Quality Protection: General Principles. Pages 7-20. In: Haycock, N.E., T.P. Burt, K.W.T. Goulding and G. Pinay (eds.). Buffer Zones: Their processes and potential in water protection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Buffer Zones, September 1996. ISBN 09530051 0 0. Quest Environmental. Harpenden, Herfordshire, UK. 322 pages. Can be ordered from: Foundation for Water Research. tel +44 1628 891589,

Correll, D.L. 1999. Vegetated Stream Riparian Zones: Their Effects on Stream Nutrients, Sediment, and Toxic Substances. An annotated and indexed bibliography. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Edgewater, MD.

Lowrance, R., L.S. Altier, J.D. Newbold, R.R. Schnabel, P.M. Groffman, J.M. Denver, D.L. Correll, J.W. Gilliam, J.L. Robinson, R.B. Brinsfield, K.W. Staver, W. Lucas, and A.H. Todd. 1995. Water Quality Functions of Riparian Forest Buffer Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. EPA 903-R-95-004 CBP/TRS 134/95. 67 pages. Can be ordered from US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109, Annapolis, MD 21403, phone 1-800-968-7229. Also see: Environmental Management. Vol. 21: 687- 712.

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. 1996. Riparian Forest Buffers. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay White Paper. 16 pages.

Staver, K.W., and R.B. Brinsfield. 1996. Seepage of Groundwater Nitrate from a Riparian Agroecosystem into the Wye River Estuary. (Abstract) Estuaries. Vol. 19:359-370.

Speiran, G.K., P.A. Hamilton, and M.D. Woodside. 1998. Natural Processes for Managing Nitrate in Ground Water Discharged to Chesapeake Bay and Other Surface Waters: More than Forest Buffers. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-178-97. 5 pages. Order from: 1730 E. Parham Rd. Richmond, VA 23230. 1-804-261-2600; For additional information on Virginia Water Resources, see

Bay Journal. 1998. A Downhill Effort. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Bay Journal. 6600 York Rd., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD. 21212. For index of Bay Journal articles see:

Hayes, M.A. (No date). Maryland and the District of Columbia Wetland Resources. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2425. See related publications at:

Sweeney, B.W. 1992. Streamside Forests and the Physical, Chemical, and Trophic Characteristics of Piedmont Streams in Eastern North America. Water, Science & Technology. Vol 26:2653-2673.

Dolloff, C.A. 1994.Large Woody Debris - the Common Denominator for Integrated Environmental Management of Forest Streams. Pages 92-108. In: Cairns, J., T.V. Crawford, and H. Salwasser (eds.). Implementing Integrated Environmental Management. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, University Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies. Blacksburg, VA 24061. Also see: Dolloff, C.A. and J.R. Webster. 1999. Particulate Organic Contributions from Forests and Streams: Debris Isn't So Bad. In: Verry, E.S., J.W. Hornbeck and C.A. Dolloff (eds.). Riparian Management in Forests of the Continental Eastern U.S. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL (800)272-7727.

Palone, R. and A.H. Todd. 1997. Determining Buffer Width. Chapter 6. In: Chesapeake Bay Riparian Handbook: A Guide for Establishing and Maintaining Riparian Forest Buffers. U.S. Forest Service NA-TP-02-97.  Order from: U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109. Annapolis, MD. 1-800-968-7229.

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Riparian Forest Buffer Design, Establishment, and Maintenance. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 725. College Park, MD. 8 pages.

Isenhart, T.M., R.C. Schultz, J.P. Colletti, and C.A. Rodrigues. (No date). Design, Function, and Management of Integrated Riparian Management Systems. Pages 93-101. In: Using Ecological Restoration to Meet Clean Water Act Goals. Proceedings from the National Symposium March 14-16, 1995. Chicago, IL. Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Chicago, IL (Publication is out of print). See related publications at National Agroforestry Center site:

Lynch, Lori & Cheryl Brown. 2000. Landowner Decision-making about Riparian Buffers. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics, 32(3):585-596. http://www.riparianbuffers/manual/lynch.html

Lynch, L. Economics of Riparian Buffers - Talk given September 1998. Maryland Cooperative Extension. College Park, MD. 9 pages. See related publications: When a Landowner Adopts a Riparian Buffer - Benefits and Costs. and Riparian Buffer Financial Assistance Opportunities.

Chesapeake Bay Program. 1998. Economic Benefits of Riparian Forest Buffers. Order from: U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109. Annapolis, MD. 1-800-968-7229.

Klapproth, J.C. 1998. Selected Bibliography of Alternative Income Opportunities in Riparian Areas. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension. Wye Research & Education Center, Queenstown, MD 21658.

Koehn, S. 1997. Riparian Forest Buffer Establishment Programs. Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service.
Incentive Programs: Riparian Forest Buffer Panel (Bay Area Incentive Programs)
Regulatory Programs: Riparian Forest Buffer Panel (Bay Area Regulatory Programs)

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Soil Bioengineering or Streambank Restoration for Riparian Forest Buffers. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 729. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Georgia Soil & Water Commission. 1994. Guidelines for Streambank Restoration. Georgia Soil & Water Commission. Order from: Georgia Soil & Water Commission. (704) 524-3065. Note: no copies currently available.

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Trees for Riparian Forest Buffers. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 726. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Understory Plants for Riparian Forest Buffers and Wildlife Habitat Improvement. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 727. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Perkey, A.W., K. Sykes, and R. Palone. 1993. Crop Tree Management in Riparian Zones. U.S. Forest Service. Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. Morgantown, WV.

Pannill, P. 1996. Important Weed Species: the Dirty Dozen. Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Forest Service.

Malinoski, M.K. and K.L. Clement. (No date). IPM Series: Pine. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension. Home and Garden Mimeo #HG54. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Malinoski, M.K. and D.L. Clement. 1996. IPM Series: Dogwood. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension. Home and Garden Mimeo #HG12. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and G.M. Weber. 1997. Grasses for Riparian Buffers and Wildlife Habitat Improvement. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 728. College Park, MD. 8 pages.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. (No date). Grasses that can be used for Plantings in Riparian Forest Buffers and Herbaceous Buffers. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Plant Materials Factsheets: Big bluestem (ange), Little bluestem (scsc), Caucasian bluestem (boca), American beachgrass (ambr), Smooth broome (brin2), Deertounge (dicl), Saltmeadow cordgrass (sppa), Prarie cordgrass (sppc), Smooth cordgrass (spal), Red fescue (feru), Eastern gamagrass (trda3), Indiangrass (sonu2), Kentucky bluegrass (popr), Orchard grass (dagl), Coastal panicgrass (paam6), Purpletop (trfl2), Perennial ryegrass (lope), Redtop (aggi2), Switchgrass (pavi2), Timothy (phpr3), Weeping lovegrass (ercu2).

Natural Resources Conservation Service. (No date). Native Warm Season Grasses. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Maryland Field Office. 4 pages.

Klapproth, J.C. 1998. Suppliers of Plants and Seed for Forestry, Wildlife, and Streambank Restoration Projects. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. Wye Research & Education Center. Queenstown, MD. 4 pages.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources. (updated annually). John S.Ayton State Forest Tree Nursery Catalog. Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service. Annapolis, MD.

Maryland Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1999. Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 339 Busch's Frontage Road, Suite 301, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1997. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Practice Standard Riparian Forest Buffer. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1998. Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Practice Standard: Riparian Herbaceous Cover. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Conservation Practice Standard 390. 3 pages.

Wigley, T.B. and M.A. Melchlors. 1994. Wildlife Habitat and Communities in Streamside Management Zones: A Literature Review for the Eastern U.S. Pages 100-120. In: Riparian Ecosystems in the Humid U.S. Functions, Values, and Management. Proceedings of a Conference. National Association of Conservation Districts, Washington, DC. (For more information click on Natural Resource Conservation Service).

Melchiors, M.A. 1996. Birds and Small Mammals of Streamside Management Zones in Arkansas. Paper presented at 1996 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Southern Regional Meeting. Mobile, AL.

Melchiors, M.A. 1996. Riparian Zones and Wildlife in Managed Forests. Paper presented at Virginia TWS meeting.

Melchiors, M.A. 1996. References Related to Birds and Streamside Management Zones - Eastern North America. Presented at 1996 Virginia TWS meeting.

Klapproth, J.C. and R. Tjaden. 1996. The Benefits of Riparian Forests. Forest Landowner Vol 55, No. 6: 28-31. (For more information click on Forest Landowners Association).

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays. 1992. Introduction to Wildlife Management. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 597. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Wade, R. 1993. Planting Crops for Wildlife. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 598. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays. 1993. Brush Piles for Wildlife. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 599. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Jayne, P.S. 1993. Field Border Management. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 600. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays. 1993. Eastern Cottontail Rabbits. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 601. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays.1992. Bobwhite Quail. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 602. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays. 1992. Ring-Necked Pheasants. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 603. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. and J. Kays. 1992. Ruffed Grouse. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 604. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Harvey, W.F. 1992. Mourning Doves. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 605. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Tjaden, R.L. 1992. Eastern Wild Turkeys. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 606. College Park, MD. 6 pages.

Bendel, P.R. 1993. Tree Squirrels. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 607. College Park, MD. 6 pages.

Garner, N.P. 1992. Black Bears. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 608. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Carowan, G.A. 1993. Wood Ducks. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 609. College Park, MD. 4 pages.

Laskowski, H. 1993. Dabbling Ducks. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 610. College Park, MD. 10 pages.

Carowan, G.A. 1993. Diving Ducks. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 611. College Park, MD. 7 pages.

Laskowski, H. 1993. Canada Geese. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 612. College Park, MD. 6 pages.

Smith, S.A. 1993. Songbirds: Life History and Management. Maryland Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 613. College Park, MD.

Chesapeake Bay Riparian Forest Buffer Panel. 1996. Final Report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. CBP/TRS 158/96. EPA 903-R-96-015. 8 pages. Can be ordered from: US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109, Annapolis, MD 21403, phone 1-800-968-7229 or on-line

Chesapeake Bay Program Forestry Workgroup. 1997. Restoring a Bay Resource: Riparian Forest Buffer Demonstration Sites. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program CBP/TRS 159/97 EPA 903-R-97-001. 48 pages. Can be ordered from: US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109, Annapolis, MD 21403, phone 1-800-968-7229 or on-line at:

Chesapeake Bay Program Riparian Buffer Initiative Coordinator. No Date. Riparian Forest Buffer Information Available at the Chesapeake Bay Program. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program, 410 Severn Ave. Suite 109, Annapolis, MD 21403. (800-968-7229).

Chesapeake Bay Program Office. 1997. Riparian Forest Buffers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. Fact Sheet CBP/TRS 163/97. EPA 903-F-97-002. Annapolis, MD. 4 pages.